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Question Options after f23

I don't know if anyone has covered supes options on this but I'll just put it out there. I want to know what his best options are after a f23 at midscreen, I usually can't find anything to follow up the attack with. If anyone could post some that would be great, Sorry if this is a noob question.


Follow F23 with F23 super breathe MB....or F23 super breathe MB,(walk a bit further) Bck 3, jump in 3, 3, bck fwd 3.


Intelligence + Speed + Power
Follow F23 with F23 super breathe MB....or F23 super breathe MB,(walk a bit further) Bck 3, jump in 3, 3, bck fwd 3.
Where's the scoop?

F23 (optional trait), F2 xx [MB] Breath, B3, j3, 22 xx scoop -> 3 xx Flying punch / 3 xx air grab~heat vision / F2D13 for hard knockdown


God yes.

For a 7 Hit combo....35% damage...using just heavy attack(3) for the last 4 inputs I think it helps in consistency of execution.
You're getting 35% for one meter when you can easily get 47% for the same cost or 45% for corner advantage. It's one of the best midscreen B&B's in the game, if you can't consistently pull it off you shouldn't be playing Superman.

Even without trait your best option becomes f23, f2 xx MB Breath, b3, j3, 22 xx Scoop, 3 xx Ender.

Repeat: God no.


Intelligence + Speed + Power
God yes.

For a 7 Hit combo....35% damage...using just heavy attack(3) for the last 4 inputs I think it helps in consistency of execution.
The main issue here is that Superman's meterless combo does 34% (F23 or 223, F23, F2~scoop, 3~Rising Grab Heat Vision)

Why would you waste a bar to do 35% when you can do essentially the same damage without it? That way you can save your bar for wager situations, pushblock, or more damaging combos later in the game. Even if it's harder, your version is doing less than 10% of the damage it could be doing. 10%! Practice the optimized ones man, it's worth it.


I am the Protector of Russia's Skies!
Superman Doesn't have the high/low mixup game to allow him to do 10% less on a hit, if it was 1-3% fine, whatever, but 10+% is too big of a difference. Go Big, or go home.


yea why waste a bar for 35% when he has 2 34% combos w/ no meter? One with trait in the video and one without trait(not in the vid). Ji3 f23, f1 df+1, 3 df+2 db+1.


You're getting 35% for one meter when you can easily get 47% for the same cost or 45% for corner advantage. It's one of the best midscreen B&B's in the game, if you can't consistently pull it off you shouldn't be playing Superman.

Even without trait your best option becomes f23, f2 xx MB Breath, b3, j3, 22 xx Scoop, 3 xx Ender.

Repeat: God no.
Ok guys. I agree...went to the lab...and yes...those combos are better.
Now I use,
223, :r2 super breathe mb, :l3, Ji3, 3 :l:r3 for 41%. The one ur(Drecker) suggesting does 43%...
Thanks to the firing u all gave me... I have a better Bnb.

The mistake I was making earlier was that i was using SB MB after :r23 instead of just :r2 which was heavily scaling my damage. otherwise the combo is exactly the same and 6% more on damage.

will try and learn the other one too.


Intelligence + Speed + Power
You're still leaving out the scoop for some reason. I'll signify it with asterisks. It should be:

223, F2~[MB] Breath, B3, j3, 22~scoop, 3~BF3

or more max damage midscreen

F23~Trait, F2~[MB] Breath, B3, j3, 22~scoop, 3~BF3

substitute BF3 for DF+2~Heat vision for even more damage. Now you'll be in the high 40s.


You're still leaving out the scoop for some reason. I'll signify it with asterisks. It should be:

223, F2~[MB] Breath, B3, j3, 22~scoop, 3~BF3

or more max damage midscreen

F23~Trait, F2~[MB] Breath, B3, j3, 22~scoop, 3~BF3

substitute BF3 for DF+2~Heat vision for even more damage. Now you'll be in the high 40s.
Ok will do. thnks. need to practice all this.