As I Lay Dying was a descent metal band and Tim's side projects were very well done as well, even Autrian Death Machine was still good regardless of how redicoulous the lyrics were. To see this guy literally go as far as he did with this is insane, he must have believed that due to his fame and money he could get away with anything and was untouchable, at the same time though we have no clue exactly how things were going in his life and likely we never will. One thing though is that the rest of the band will likely either move on and forma new project or the label will absorb them into other future upcoming bands that need musicians. Tim better fing his God though, because if I'm not mistaken this charge can carry the death penalty.
Anyway all you youngins on here prclaiming how metal this band was know nothing of metal, know your roots early Metallica, Pantera, Slayer, and the godfather himself Ozzy. Sure Ozzy is a joke today in most people's opinion, but he is the one that got the ball really rolling. Don't forget Alice Cooper either.