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Breakthrough Catwoman Optimal Combos involving Double F3 + Unclashables. Near endless mixup ability + Bonus!

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
So to begin with... this tech for a particular reason caught my attention during the first week of gameplay from Injustice. Now I know what you're gonna say, "Oh there's no way he found this out before anyone else" or the like but the truth is I did. I've had tech that people had and haven't figured out sitting in my notebook as well as the record/playback function in Injustice.

Taken from what we know (or should know) thanks to @EGP_Wonder_Chef and @Krayzie's recent thread about Catwoman: Double F3 leads to unclashable damage and a hard knockdown.

Now I'm not gonna go into much detail but the fact that it's possible to link F3 twice and still able to combo into a hard knockdown is a big deal for Catwoman. I pretty much think shes the only one who can do this sort of combo and it comes with big advantages to her gameplay.

Without further ado, here are the combos that will change how the opponent plays against Catwoman due to the near endless potential for mixups.

*When doing these combos please pay attention to how high the opponent is during the return from B3. Usually you would want to aim for the legs/ankles area with F3 then immediately when you land F3 again.

Warning* These combos are difficult at first but with practice I'm sure you guys can do it.

Siiren's Play Time: (Double F3 combo ending in hard knockdown) Uses 1 meter
- J2 xx B12D3 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx 1(whiff),F2
Damage: 47%, 50% if you use MAX trait after the meter burn Cat Dash but it's not worth it.
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown.
Difficulty: 5 out of 5
-Note: The most optimal combo for damage with mixup potential. Could be BnB but it's highly difficult since the entire cast have different hitboxes.

Second Take: (Double F3 combo ending in hard knockdown) No meter
- J2 xx B12D3 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 1,F2
Damage: 43, 45% should you choose to end with MAX trait instead of hard knockdown
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown
Difficulty: 4.5 out of 5
-Note: More of a standard BnB if you have no meter or want to conserve it for other uses.

Feline Furry: (Double F3 combo, hard knockdown) 1 meter
- F1,1,2 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx 1 (whiff),F2
Damage: 41%, 36% if you choose to do 1,F2 after the second F3 to conserve meter.
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown
Difficulty: 3.5 out of 5

Dangerous Kitty: (Double F3 combo, hard knockdown) Uses 1 meter
- B2 xx B3 xx Walk forward a bit before doing F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx 1 (whiff),F2
Damage: 48%, 48% Should you use MAX trait but its not worth it as you can see.
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown
Difficulty: Debating on whether to make it 10 or just 5/5 because of the B2 xx B3 link. Even I have a hard time hitting this combo but its the most damage you can get from a B2.

Catnip: (Double F3 combo, hard knockdown) Uses 1 meter
- 2,D2 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx 1 (whiff),F2
Damage: 42%, 37% without meter if you go straight to 1,F2
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown
Difficulty: 3.5 out of 5. Standard BnB for Catwoman if you can land the F3.

Punisher: (For those who like D1 xx Cat Dash) Could use a meter if you like
- D1 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx 1 (whiff),F2
Damage: 39% Not bad for a punish using D1
Position: Next to opponent, hard knockdown
Difficulty: 3 out of 5

Unclashable Combos: Any of the above but instead of continuing the combo you can make the second F3 hit twice for unclashable damage. Though if you're feeling gutsy you might be able to sneak a 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx F3 for the highest damage for unclashable damage. So it would look like this: F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx F3 for 47% damage.

All these combos allow for near endless mixups after 1,F2 so get out there and practice them.

Bonus* If you've been reading this far I congratulate you and hope that you learned some of these combos if not all of them. As a token of my gratitude I will give 1 more combo involving not 1,2 but 3 F3's in a combo using a stage interactable.

"Just when you thought I was Kittying": (Stage combo using a second bounce) Sorry for name lol
- J2 xx B12D3 xx Cat Dash xx B3 xx F3 (hit 1) xx F3 (hit 1) xx 2 xx Cat Dash MB xx Interactable ( has to be a bounce to the background) xx F3 (hit 1) xx D2 xx DD3,3
Damage: 51%
Position: Half screen if not full screen away from opponent.
Difficulty: 6
-Note* Some characters hitboxes are small so after the Cat Dash MB you may need to dash up to be able to use the interactable.

This thread is for all Catwoman players out there. #MEOW

Special Thanks to Ninj for providing video footage of the Double F3 tech. Hope this helps with peoples timing.

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
Forgot to add that all these combos were found by me unless someone says otherwise lol


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Forgot to add that all these combos were found by me unless someone says otherwise lol
Can you post a video of you doing these double F3 1hit combo's, unedited? I'm just curious if this is simply beyond my execution level to achieve consistently. I'm trying them out and the amount of times I nail the combo is far, far less than how many times the 2nd F3 hits both times.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
yeah honestly I can't do two single hit f3's in a row consistently either, what's the trick?
I'm not 100% on this, but I think the double F3 1hit's are near-just frame if not just-frame combo's. Gonna keep practicing to see if I can change my success rate.

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
I had a feeling this would happen but no big. To answer your question about the videos I'm sad to say that I don't have any ways to record any footage since I don't have the resources at hand. Believe me when I tell you that I really want to add the videos since people might have trouble with the double F3's. The only way I would be able to is if I go over my friends house to record stuff there. Hopefully during this week I can add the videos and show you.

Regarding the double F3's, I don't believe there's any special trick. The one thing I look for is the height of the returning character and I time the F3 so it hits around the ankles. Maybe I forgot to add this but the opponent must be halfway back when you finish the B3. If you think of it like a parabola then you hit them at the top. For the second one I do it soon if not immediately as I land. If all else fails, I would just post the videos and you guys can practice from it whenever I can get them uploaded.

I don't know if this helps but just practice and try not to hold forward on the second one, just tap it.

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
I'm not 100% on this, but I think the double F3 1hit's are near-just frame if not just-frame combo's. Gonna keep practicing to see if I can change my success rate.
It's entirely possible that it they may be just-frames. I just did the combo and as soon as I land it comes out so I don't know.
I've only done this 3 times (accidentally) back when chef first showed his' video. But I think I might of done this off Cat Claws B3. Or was it off Cat Dash? I forget. Do you know if this possible off a Cat Claws B3?

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
Just tested it and it works the same nonetheless. Though it does do more damage raising Play Time by 2% so in total 49% 1 meter.


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
Just tested it and it works the same nonetheless. Though it does do more damage raising Play Time by 2% so in total 49% 1 meter.
What's your success rate of landing the full B12D3 CatDash B3 F3 F3 2 Catdash MB 1F2?

Out of 20 times.


Too little, too late...
F3 must be executed a bit early, in fact only the first hit of f3 make contact. Not that hard but have a specific time.

min 1:58


|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
Out of 20 times just now I got 14 of them. Though I do mess up when I press 3 earlier then pressing forward for the second one so I get the kick instead of F3. I'm not saying I am a master of this but practicing it over and over you get used to characters sweet spot where they can be hit and such allowing the full combo.

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
So some good news regarding the videos. I'll be able to record them at my friends house possibly tomorrow. So stay tuned for them ;)

|| Syrnia

Siiren's Servant;Burns The Midnight Oil
Thanks for that. I will keep my promise and still upload the rest of the combos for you guys.


just tryed it at least 100 times when saw the vid but 1 is correct always and 2nd miss or 2hit him , i tryed do it on GL too and times he is under me during the 2nd one and cat still hit him twice, mb there is possibility to put this vid in slow motion?


Where art thou, MKX Skarlet?
just tryed it at least 100 times when saw the vid but 1 is correct always and 2nd miss or 2hit him , i tryed do it on GL too and times he is under me during the 2nd one and cat still hit him twice, mb there is possibility to put this vid in slow motion?
If more people want me to I can break it down further with slow motion.

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