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Having trouble against non-stop attacking.

Hey everyone, awesome site you got here. I was playing online with my friends and my one friend who mains Scorpion just keeps the pressure on non-stop. This forces me to block constantly but whenever I try to get an attack in he's still attacking away so I can't get an attack in unless I block his teleport which leaves him wide open. I would like some feedback because maybe I'm just doing something completely wrong but I'm not really sure. Thanks.


Nightwolf Mourner
Welcome to TYM!!! Have you ever tried doing D+3, or D+4? (One of the kick buttons) They come out really fast and usually causes the opponent to go "Wait, what???"


look for openings depending on who you use u can do some serious damage I use mileena and roll under his spear. when he tele punches i punish him with a 16 hit when he rushes i block find an opening! study your opponent!
yeah, like the above said just look for an opening and abuse it. My suggestion would be to learn a good combo punish for when you block his teleport. You'll be taking at lot of chip from his rush down but sounds like he's just going nuts, so when he whips out that teleport and you block and he rolls up like a ball after hit him with your newly learnt high damaging combo which should hopefully put you ahead in the damage race. I'd say that would be a good start.


Digital Pro Sports
If you've got one of the characters with a quicker uppercut, they can put almost anyone who blindly applies pressure in their place.
Best way to go is to watch how they are attacking. If they are mostly attacking high then block, crouch and attack them with a sweep or low attack to break up the pressure.

When they wake up with a move you have to be patient enough to avoid it and don't go on the offense to try to beat their wake up. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking if you press a button fast enough you can beat out a wake up move. I do this sometimes by mistake when I get real impatient.

Also remember when ducking certain move (mainly projectile based) it's ok not to block since blocking makes your hitbox bigger. I say this because if you are fighting someone who has mid/high attacks and your blocking low some of the attacks may put pressure on you. When that happens you can't punish the whiffed attack.

I'm not saying never block low...just be aware that some attacks you can go under when you don't block when ducking.
Seems my biggest problem is when someone non stop cross jumps me, I get stuck on stupid when this starts happening and tend to freeze up. :(
If they are not throwing any overheads in the mixup, both low kicks and sweeps are the fastest options you have. Minimal damage, but it cuts some pressure off. As stated earlier also, uppercuts still work well.
There's always an opening in an attack string (unless you fight Kabal). The key is to look for it, and then experiment with ways of punishing it. Sure you'll lose alot until you find that sweet, sweet punish, but who cares about losing online. And if your friend starts running that mouth, just stay silent until you find that punish, then when you turn the tables and start murdering him unleash The Trash Talk Storm of Justice.
Sweeps are handy, but they're a one off. guaranteed there are better ways to interrupt your opponent's string, with attacks you can combo off of.


Super Ninja
dont get to sweep happy, if your oppoent catches on then he can get a free neutral jump P into 35 - 40% combo with scorp... im not sure if its good advice but ive been doing it whenever i predict a sweep
Hey everyone, awesome site you got here. I was playing online with my friends and my one friend who mains Scorpion just keeps the pressure on non-stop. This forces me to block constantly but whenever I try to get an attack in he's still attacking away so I can't get an attack in unless I block his teleport which leaves him wide open. I would like some feedback because maybe I'm just doing something completely wrong but I'm not really sure. Thanks.
Generally you can low jab especially when he starts poking w/ Scorpions :fp,:fp,:fp string. Wake up attacks will work really well against a pressure player. Smoke works really well against Scorpion. Try teleporting upon wake up its really fast, also use :en Shake when your in deep trouble it can counter normals. W/ Smoke you really want o zone & pressure w/ Smoke Cloud & bait random spear so you can counter w/ Shake, then use Smoke's :fk,:bp & :fk,:d+:fp,:bp & mix up between them. This can also force crouch block so you can use Smoke's fast overhead :l+:bp ~ Smoke Cloud, jik, air throw string
Alot of scrubby scorpions will just throw his 112 112 112 string over and over, with an occasional slide tackle and spear. Normally I will allow him to finish his normal combo, at which point I will immediately go for a crossover punch combo. Catches them fairly often. His teleport punch is easy to predict most of the time so long as you study his movements. Be wary, once you do break his momentum, they tend to start throwing their hellfire more often.