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Meter bars off screen???


Does anyone know how to bring the edges of the screen in a bit? Games usually have this in the settings and it is really frustrating when half of the meter bars are off the screen!


The Prettiest
Does this look like COD?! No but seriously, that will work. Unless you have an old ass TV incable of exceeding limits such as decreasing the width by 4 inches because it sucks.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
He has a point guys. Most games have this setting. Interesting that NRS didn't bother putting it in.

But yea, your next best bet is just to adjust our TV's aspect ratio itself.

Sent from my iPhone 5 using Tapatalk


Na it definitely is not my TV, it's the game. I can bring the screen in to pretty much have it a quarter of the size but it is still off. So no solutions?


The Prettiest
Na it definitely is not my TV, it's the game. I can bring the screen in to pretty much have it a quarter of the size but it is still off. So no solutions?
There should be at least four preset settings where you don't manually adjust your screen. The settings set it for you. One of those four or however many you have should work. If not, your TV is wonky and you should break it with a hammer.


There should be at least four preset settings where you don't manually adjust your screen. The settings set it for you. One of those four or however many you have should work. If not, your TV is wonky and you should break it with a hammer.
Haha, thanks man, I know what an aspect ratio is lol. None of them work and neither does the custom option. Guess I'm off to buy a hammer then


The Prettiest
Haha, thanks man, I know what an aspect ratio is lol. None of them work and neither does the custom option. Guess I'm off to buy a hammer then
TVs at Best Buy are dirt cheap atm. You won't feel too torn up about that POS.