You just made a very reasonable argument. I play on Xbox 360, but I understand your reasoning for not wanting to overhaul the tournament platforms.
On the other hand, you just articulated what those of us with Xbox 360's have dealt with for the last couple of years.
Ideally, the game should be played on it's native hardware, but the problem is that PS3 is already established.
Instead of fighting whether all tournaments should be Xbox 360 or PS3, why can't we compromise? It's clear that EVO & MLG aren't going to switch from PS3. On the other hand, TO's that aren't affiliated with Sony can begin making the transition over to Xbox.
Yes, I realize that mean that not everybody is playing on the same system but who cares? In Major League Baseball, the AL has a DH, while the NL doesn't. They manage to come up with an undisputed world series champion every year.
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