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Feature Request - Replays

OH MY FUCKIN GOD, YES. YES YES YES YES YES YES. REPLAY MODE FOR THIS GAME WOULD BE GREAT. I still hate the the fact that I couldn't save my very first match in the game as a replay. Knighfall Bane vs Batman, both near 30% on second health bar, Batman hits me and drops a combo and I make a comeback by doing Break The Bat. I BROKE THE BAT IN A COMEBACK FOR MY FIRST ONLINE MATCH EVER. HOW EPIC IS THAT, THO.


and well, i'd just like to save replays of the really solid matches I had with people like Wonder Chef, KHTX_Scar, Cat, etc. =p I'd especially love if the replay mode was similar to SF3OE's, being able to upload the replays to Youtube.


Well, the new PS4 & Xbox 720 will have these recording features baked into the system.

So even if NRS does not add this feature. At least it won't be long until we ALL will have the capability to record gameplay footage and upload them onto youtube, twitch... etc. directly from our consoles.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
Well, the new PS4 & Xbox 720 will have these recording features baked into the system.

So even if NRS does not add this feature. At least it won't be long until we ALL will have the capability to record gameplay footage and upload them onto youtube, twitch... etc. directly from our consoles.
By Xbox 720 do you mean Xbox Infinity?


Lol. I guess if that's what they are calling it. I just used 720 since that's what most of the web seems to acknowledge it by.

Though articles pertaining to recent leaks regarding the upcoming reveal state that Microsoft has taken the Apple marketing route and have decided to just call it: Xbox (keep it simple).


Yea i really wish there was a replay feature, and maybe even the option to link it to your youtube account and upload it straight to youtube. the amount of epic matches i wish i could of recorded.


It's coming next gen :) I only WISH this game is compatible with the new Xbox and able to take advantage of those recording features.


Name isn't Chris, Doesn't have pads
i was facing a bane and he had +50 percent health on his second bar. He did his super caught me and left me with like 1 percent left. Since he used his level 3 venom for his super i did my bnb with grundy and clutched it b/c of banes cooldown. The match was so hype i wish i could replay it ._.


i was facing a bane and he had +50 percent health on his second bar. He did his super caught me and left me with like 1 percent left. Since he used his level 3 venom for his super i did my bnb with grundy and clutched it b/c of banes cooldown. The match was so hype i wish i could replay it ._.
I wish I could had seen it! Sounds epic!