Cage Redfield
So today i was going 'bout my business online, scooping people to death with the most kawaii character ever, when I noticed something on the Information Ticker on the top of the screen. It said, and I quote, "Defeat unique Battle ladders to obtain an Alternate Outfit". Now, I haven't actually like, played any of the battle modes besides Classic since I wanted to see the endings (dear god they are so weird), but I seriously doubt it's that easy to get alts for any character in the game. I've also seen the Information Ticker say that you can unlock an Alternate Outfit by winning 25 ranked matches.... Now, I've been playing Injustcrack online for some time now, and I'm preeeeetty sure I have at least twice that many wins with a few characters. Is this ticker actually lying or is it being vague, and we actually can unlock alternate outfits this way? Can anyone confirm if doing these actions unlock SOMETHING, if not an alt?
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If a thread like this has already been made, go ahead n lock it~