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IGAU stage counter-picking

Miss Kanzuki

Anyone got stages they find beneficial for their mains yet?

ie. stages with more/less, high/low interactables given the speed and playstyle of their character

Any recommendations for a Hawkgirl main? ;)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Any stage with interactibles that work like the helicopter help out Green Arrow a lot midscreen. His combos are tricky midscreen online and his real damage is reliant on mixup corner pressure to get frequent higher damage combos than what he can normally get midscreen. However a bounce interactible like the helicopter is like an extra launcher for him and easily helps add 15% or so to combos minimal. He needs them and it opens up his midscreen combo options a lot allowing him to be more aggressive on damage midscreen instead of just pursuing high corner carry combos.

His worst stages are ones with a lot of jump throwable stuff as any jumped arrow is usually followed by a stage interactible like the TVs or the robots on the Watchtower. Those stages play hell with him.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
I just do random every time, I suck and no stage will fix that
If you're player 2 choice watchtower and robot fish from the sky. Those plus globe will turn that frown upside down and season the match with salt.


Stylish Member
i hate stages like watchtower with the ten second respawning interactables nuff said... any other stage is fine for me


I find atlantis useful for non power chars who have to get around zoners, if im flash going up against supes im sliding on the water pipes all day to get in, come at me bro!


Yung Kneecaps
Dat pig stage yo. My supes + pig of the asylum = unstoppable team. I think arkham is the best stage for supes currently it just feels so comfy <3 there easily are others but I haven't gone too much in depth with them yet


Probably a lunatic
What rule are they using in tourney sets ? I've only watched a couple and from what I've seen, they let the random machine choose, and do not change until the end of the set ?

Should we consider smash's stage striking system or something... less random ?


Dropping Combos like a MotherFucker!
I hate Atlantis. No stage transitions, and those water jets make corner pressure difficult if I get pushed back even a little bit.


PSN: SoaD_009
Stage interactions are the dumbest thing and it is so dumb that a stage can make that much of a difference in a match. It's like NRS is trying to dumb down fighting games just like COD dumbed down shooters.


I like to play bad characters
I always choose a stage that does not have re-spawning interactions. Too many times have I faced people who try their best to get more than half their damage against me using unblockable robots that show up every 20 seconds. I'm not really sure of the spawn time on them but they do show back up rather quickly. I'm a fan of one time use only.

I also find it interesting how gadget characters can't even throw a tv, yet they can thow the flying robot on Watchtower. However a robot of similar size on Metropolis they can not throw....


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Someone with good space control like doomsday benefits most from something with respawning power things. So, Arkham Cells and ivy flower.


Plus on block.
Luthor's Lab is actually a good stage for Luthor, coincidentally.

Soon as the match starts, jump back + 3 then jump straight up and hit them with the light, works 70% of the time, and if it doesn't you still have distance between you and them.

A lot of stuff to throw to help him in his keep away/zoning/trap game.


Watchtower as Sinestro, doesn't matter what side you're on cause the second you see your opponent go for a floaty you can throw a rock at them

Plus no matter what corner you are in you have an interactable to help you get out. Pretty much the same story on the reactor part too so getting hit with a transition doesn't really change anything