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Injustice Digital Version Question


I've been considering downloading a digital version of IJ from the US store in an attempt to allow me to play my US friends since the game is region locked...but...I've heard rumors that the digital versions are unable to play any disk versions regardless of region.

Can anyone confirm this? Is it just a bug or did they really just want to start making the "Virtual" region lock >>


The Prettiest
The only reason digital buyers couldn't play hard copy players day one was because the digital version got the patch late. If you buy the digital version, expect all your patches to be a day or two late.


The only reason digital buyers couldn't play hard copy players day one was because the digital version got the patch late. If you buy the digital version, expect all your patches to be a day or two late.
Right so it should be fine aside from getting patches a little late? I just want to be able to know that my US digital version can play both US digital AND US disk owners before having to fork out all the money for that version >>


The Prettiest
Right so it should be fine aside from getting patches a little late? I just want to be able to know that my US digital version can play both US digital AND US disk owners before having to fork out all the money for that version >>
They sure can. I play plenty of my friends on digital and that's the only reason they couldn't play me day one was because they got the patch late. That's what all the fuss was about. No worries.


They sure can. I play plenty of my friends on digital and that's the only reason they couldn't play me day one was because they got the patch late. That's what all the fuss was about. No worries.
Thanks a lot ^^

It's still a bit annoying I have to get the same game twice just slightly differently just to play all my friends but at least there's a way. Thanks.