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S.T.A.R. Lab Mission 220?


I need help trying to win this while winning a clash anybody able to help. You're Black Adam facing Killer Frost and Shazam while ice is falling down .


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You will most likely have to be the one to initiate the clash. Do it when you have more meter. It might take a few tries. I definitely hate the win a clash missions. Usually takes 4 or 5 tries. :16Bit


okie should I use my super power on Killer Frost and then clash with Shazam? :) and thank you haha


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I would just use the clash. No super. Just save it to ensure you get the challenge done. :16BitClash whenever you get to the second bar, even if you don't need health lol.


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I just lost a whole life bar without Killer Frost touching me once due to the ice
Did you clash? Seems like opportunity at its finest. I also think it is funny how they just stare at you while you are frozen... its like HIT ME!:16Bit


No my clash isn't working for some reason .-. how do you do them? You click Forward + R2 at the same time in the middle of a combo right? and ik but I guess it works to your advantage that way lol


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Haha. I used to think that coming from MK. I thought it was a combo breaker. The secret to doing a clash is also pressing L2. It is Forward + L2 + R2= Clash love. :16Bit


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You have to do it while you are getting hit by a combo. It works with some specials... but I would bait the computer. Hit them once, then once, then once, until they finally combo you. Then do the clash. I know I always accidently do the super. You might want to wager when you have 3 bars so you don't mess it up :16Bit