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JIP2, Ground smash as a combo starter...


Haven't seen this posted but noticed in the lab if you land an early JIP2 and follow up with a ground smash you end up behind the opponent. Only tried this on Lex, don't have a video but it's fairly easy.

JIP2, Ground Smash, (pause half a second...Supe turns around), 111, MB breath, B3 And From here you can use your imagination which will end up being a 39-42% combo.

Probably more efficient to do an easier combo if you land a JIP, but still looks cool.


Mad scientist
Really? I tried it on Batman and couldn't get it. Well nowhere as easily as I did on Lex. Is the timing tighter on the smaller hitboxes?
seems ok on everyone Ive tested thus far. I think the average combo from it midscreen, is about 45%. not bad!


seems ok on everyone Ive tested thus far. I think the average combo from it midscreen, is about 45%. not bad!
But I guess you wouldn't recommend it if you actually land a free JIP right? I mean might as well go along with a more efficient combo at that point?


If u land it on their head it crosses up. specially when their crouching. I've been doing a combo like..
JI,air dash, ground smash, d2,f23,f2-mb super breath, b3,JI3,f2-swoop,3-airgarb laser. I forget the percent but it works well.
The d2 after the ground smash helps to lift them up so u can full combo.