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EGP PBoardPlayer88 Wins Road to EVO Event, NorCal Regionals 2013!


The next Road to Evo event is passing through this weekend now and it is time for the Mortal Kombat 9 finals. Taking place in the Northern part of California at the Domain Hotel in Sunnyvale, NorCal Regionals gathered not only the area's best competition but top players from all over the United States. NorCal Regionals marks the 3rd marker on the Road to EVO. The top 4 marked a staple in Mortal Kombat 9's California history.

Without further ado, we'd like to say Congratulations to EGP PBoardPlayer88 for taking Mortal Kombagt 9 at NorCal Regionals 2013!

Top Results:
  • MF Slayer 909 (Kabal) vs EGP PBoardPlayer88 (Kung Lao) 2-1
  • WoundCowboy88 (Shang Tsung) vs Blind Ducky (Kenshi) 2-1
  • WoundCowBoy88 (Shang Tsung) vs EGPBoardPlayer88 (Kung Lao) 2-3
  • MF Slayer 909 (Kabal) vs EGP PBoardPlayer88 (Kung Lao) 1-3
  • RESET: MF Slayer 909 (Kabal/Kung Lao) vs EGP PBoardPlayer88 (Kung Lao) 0-3



Oh hell yeah. PBoard taking it home for EGP, along with Slayer.

I'd say this is an EGP victory all together! Congrats guys!


This guy looks kind of tuff...
heard he used magic in GFs to mess up his opponent.. lol Good stuff Pboard

oh and WoundCowboy is no "Washed up" lol
Thanks for the nice words from everyone. Besides the victory, the company that surrounded me was great. The casuals we have been having in my hotel room with MK and injustice have been so much fun. Shout outs to MFslayer for leveling up and really playing hard. Also to Blindman and cowboy and the whole NorCal scene for being so ridiculously good. Thanks to chef, son of timmet and Satsui for bringing extra setups to my room for extra casual stations...also to Reno racks...for being hella cool and traveling out here to support the scene....also shout outs to me getting bodied by satsuis superman and those 75 percent combos that "aren't broken". I had a great time at this tournament. I wish they would have streamed the pools. Some of the matches were so great. Luckily whatshername, myself and a few others recorded some hype ones. Ill post them when I get home.


Good shit Pboard and MF Slayer! Good shit Blind_Man too for making his first Top 8! Super happy for all of you. I had an awesome time hanging out with everyone :). Huge thanks to EGP for coming out!!


Yung Kneecaps
Thanks for the nice words from everyone. Besides the victory, the company that surrounded me was great. The casuals we have been having in my hotel room with MK and injustice have been so much fun. Shout outs to MFslayer for leveling up and really playing hard. Also to Blindman and cowboy and the whole NorCal scene for being so ridiculously good. Thanks to chef, son of timmet and Satsui for bringing extra setups to my room for extra casual stations...also to Reno racks...for being hella cool and traveling out here to support the scene....also shout outs to me getting bodied by satsuis superman and those 75 percent combos that "aren't broken". I had a great time at this tournament. I wish they would have streamed the pools. Some of the matches were so great. Luckily whatshername, myself and a few others recorded some hype ones. Ill post them when I get home.
Lol you free me up at mk so bad I knew you had his kabal. Shoutsout to your ghetto supes reset ima body aquaman with it thanks to you. You just gotta learn those corner combos that aren't at all broken ;) oh and supes 10-0 kenshi with his armor breaking trait.

Also shoutsout to WoundCowboy maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan my soul is yours

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
Lol you free me up at mk so bad I knew you had his kabal. Shoutsout to your ghetto supes reset ima body aquaman with it thanks to you. You just gotta learn those corner combos that aren't at all broken ;) oh and supes 10-0 kenshi with his armor breaking trait.

Also shoutsout to WoundCowboy maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan my soul is yours
yup. You also know the meaning of fear ;).
Congrats to Pboard.

Son ov Timett

Bork, No Jin
Lol man you just free me up anyway you can huh? Anyways extremely good stuff to you idk how you do it with shang above everyone and don't worry you will kneel before me next time :D
Like how you freed up Floe and that other Marvel player in a 5 dollar money match? Strike 2 more victories for MKC in IGAU. ;)

Congrats to pboardplayer for his continued beastness, as well as being a fine gentleman for hosting side MK9/IGAU tournaments in his hotel room. The word "pro" gets thrown out a lot, this dude is the definition of said word.

Also congrats to MF Slayer, Pboard's protege finally getting his name out there. Hard work pays off.

Shoutouts to all of NorCal, everyone from this scene was cool and humble as hell.

IGAU Hotel Room Invitational Winner - WoundCowboy (Sinestro/Luthor)
MK9 Hotel Invitational Winner - Rude Security Guard who kicked everyone out for being excessively hyped.

Good shit Pboard and MF Slayer! Good shit Blind_Man too for making his first Top 8! Super happy for all of you. I had an awesome time hanging out with everyone :). Huge thanks to EGP for coming out!!
/\ Your smoke was the surprise of the weekend, you're uber underrated bro. Hope you take those resets to EVO, a treat playing ye.