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Clashes/End of round animation Favors Projectile characters

PND i2 Gaug3

NERF Everything, LEAVE Nothing
This game favors projectile characters simple and to the point

Look at the positioning when mid-screen after a life bar has ended. Full screen away
After a clash where are you. Full screen away

I believe a easy fix to this would be end of life bar animation just leaves you half a screen apart, after a clash character positioning is kept but you are half a screen apart.



I think some characters should have just left you close.

Winning a clash puts you in that sweet spot, but whatever.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Zoning is good, and yes this favors zoning. But as said before, wrong read and you're in.


"Never say 'never'
Also, wrong read and you're out. All I'm saying is if the clash kept you at jump distance, you'd see people crying it's too close

Vulcan Hades

I do think it's a little funny though. I've lost clashes on purpose just to empty my opponent's meter and get full screen positioning. I'm not joking, this tactic has won me numerous matches. :)


Dropper of Bass and Bombs
The full screen part doesn't really bother me too much. I mean, the whole match consists of getting in and out.

I just don't like how when I have my opponent cornered and they clash, we go back to mid-screen

DJ L Toro

Yeah this is a problem. I dont understand why if i beat you with a poke you go flying backward on my hit and then the "end of round bounce" puts you full screen. then i have to get in all over again which can be death on a wrong read. Also what's the point of getting back health if i'm going to get bodied for clashing? What i feel is unacceptable is that if you're in the corner clash will not only put you full screen away, but also midscreen so you lose all corner advantage you may have had because of a feature that is supposed to help you.
To be fair the first problem can be dealt with by beating someone in the corner, so perhaps i'll onl ask for that bounce to be scaled douwn a little (maybe half), but the clash disadvantage is huge. Unfortunately i dont think that's something they can just change values for, so that would actually take a patch. ugh.
I dunno I feel it's harder to zone in this game than in games like MK9 or SF4.

From fullscreen you only need 1 dash and you're already at jump range.
to be fair though the game's a bit too young to make that determination. But let me put it this way: you fought your way in and after a healthbar and change (when you can use clash) you get in on REO 's batman (or one who can zone as well as him... maybe in a month or 2 when people catch up, lol) and start putting in work. you take his first heathbar and now he's full screen. either that or you make a bad read on something unsafe, clash, and now he's full screen. Good zoners wont give you a second chance to get in from full screen. if it took you more than one healthbar to get in the first time it will take more the second time because they know what you did the first time and will work to stop you from repeating whatever tech/countermeasure you used. On top of that they will be able to clash too, meaning you have to get in 4 times per game in a best of 3 match. That's 8 or 12 times getting on on really good zoning, that's absurd, especially when there are zero characters without tools to get you out again.
I think some characters should have just left you close.

Winning a clash puts you in that sweet spot, but whatever.
I think if you tie then what happens now should happen (but on whatever part of the screen you were already on), but if you win you shouldnt slide back, but your opponent should get knocked back 1/2 or 1/4 screen. That would make the most sense and it would keep the cinematic/over the top aspect that NRS wanted in their game


Imo if a clash is tied, the players should be pushed full screen the way it is now. Otherwise the player winning the clash should have the option to choose the distance where his opponent will be. forward for far, back for right next to, and down for start of match distance.


Obanye - Bay Area - PSN
I think the only reason it goes full screen is that the animation looks cooler that way. It does give a huge advantage to zoners though(raven player) since it gets them a chance to reset to their optimal position, drain the other person's meter, regain life and put them in a position where the other player can't counter clash against projectiles.


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
They need it.
Meter burn interactibles dont highly go to the better zoners and their damage isn't anything special either. Plus zoning in this game isn't as powerful as folks think. Its great, but you have to play perfect to do it all day and no one ever plays that perfect. Zoners who go to the well too often eat 30%+ combos for it.