Yea the downstream is most definitely a powerboost. I have the blast plan which is 50/10 used to be 25/5 not long ago, they doubled the speed recently. I live in a residential neighborhood and change my IP range from time to time. I'm hardwired to the ps3 and using upnp so ports conflicting are out of the question. I've tried 3 different controllers and an arcade stick and frequently experience really bad input delay but get this, I also have inputs drop from time to time randomly, like completely not even register. Like say, I'm neutral just standing and I press U+F to do an arched jump and nothing comes out. Also happens with D1's and other inputs. The character just stays there and nothing happens. I was thinking it could be my TV. I have a sanyo 42 inch 1080p TV and am using HDMI. I'm gonna set up my old CRT panasonic 32 inch tv and see if that helps. Another issue I have and don't know if it's just me but in player search matches, the ping bar doesn't work. For me the online part of the game is really bad, honestly. Maybe theres an issue with my console or who knows what it could be.