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Civil War V - INJUSTICE replays now "LIVE" w/ OBS|EMP REO, EMP|Tom Brady, AGE NYChris G and More


It was the first Injustice major and it happened just days after the game's release... so what happens when top players face each other along with a few new faces in Top 8? The entire tournament down to top 8 received nothing but love, especially when over 16,000 tuned in to watch REO's Batman go after Tom Brady's Aquaman. Team Sp00ky streamed the finals and they have now uploaded the top 8 videos. So, if you haven't seen them yet... here's your chance.

Source: TeamSpooky



Reo linking the strings into ex rang for advantage was smart. Don't why the hell I never though of that before. And his trait pressure gave me a few new ideas to toss around.

Good matches guys.
Loved that the interactables and transitions were used so well and strategically. Never understood why a bunch of the FGC would almost demand things like that not be allowed before it was competitively tested. It wasn't all that long ago that fighting games didn't even have "meter". I, for one, don't want every new competitive fighter to be cut from the same cloth. Embrace all the quirks and new elements, and determine how well they work AFTER thorough testing! It's not like it will stop people from playing the other games.