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I'm a little worried about my health


"Darkness is the heart's true essence"
I know this isn't a doctors forum. But I have a IV sedation wisdom tooth extraction tomorrow. I'm not afraid of the procedure, just afraid for my heart. I went to the doctor a few months ago.(I have insurance) he didn't run any test he just listened to my heart beat and told me to cough and do the regular stuff. I was hoping he would send me to the er to get some test ran but he didn't. My chest has been aching and at one time so bad I thought I was going to faint. I also get these weird palpitations or jumps right over my middle chest and my jaw and neck twitches sometimes. I don't mean this to be a pity story but I've been under some stress in 2013. One of my friends died of pneumonia and one was shot and killed. I've cried and still do sometimes(it's natural and I'm not a wimp) I've been trying to cram my school work and stay active for my church too. Alot is on my mind my grades have been slacking too. My doctor diagnose me with anxiety which I think is bullshit. I just don't want the sedation to kill me. I'm kinda fearful. Because I know you lose some blood in extractions. I'm considering going down to the er and have them put me on a heart monitor though. Smh. Any suggestions?


The Prettiest
Well although I am not a doctor, I will say that you twitching and chest pains have little to nothing to do with anxiety. That doesn't seem to make sense. Next time you see your doctor, you have to let him/her know about those kinds of things because it might not be apparent them at the time especially if it's just a regular checkup. As for your wisdom teeth being pulled, you should be fine. It will not hurt most-likely because you will be high off of your ass. As soon as that wears off, you will be in pain, but it's more like a very sore pain rather than harm actually being inflicted-type pain.


"Darkness is the heart's true essence"
Well although I am not a doctor, I will say that you twitching and chest pains have little to nothing to do with anxiety. That doesn't seem to make sense. Next time you see your doctor, you have to let him/her know about those kinds of things because it might not be apparent them at the time especially if it's just a regular checkup. As for your wisdom teeth being pulled, you should be fine. It will not hurt most-likely because you will be high off of your ass. As soon as that wears off, you will be in pain, but it's more like a very sore pain rather than harm actually being inflicted-type pain.
Rite well it's more of the slow down the heart rate thin while losing blood during the procedure part I'm worried about. Especially with the chest pains I've been having. I mean if it was weed they were sedating me with I wouldn't care.


The Prettiest
Rite well it's more of the slow down the heart rate thin while losing blood during the procedure part I'm worried about. Especially with the chest pains I've been having. I mean if it was weed they were sedating me with I wouldn't care.
Go back to your doctor and let them know as soon as possible. I wouldn't let something like that slide, personally. Especially if I was worried it would mess up the procedure and do further damage to me.

DJ L Toro

You shouldnt die from that assuming the anesthatician (or whatever they're called) is good at their job.

also, there's nothing wimpy about mourning the loss of people who were close to you.


Noob Saibot
At the age of 19 you shouldn't really have anything to worry about cardiac arrest under mild sedation (assuming they are going to use propofol or Valium for light sedation) unless you have a PMH of mitral regurg, atrial fibrillation, or any past of hypotension.

99% of all anesthetics decrease blood pressure in the body (I could go into mechanisms of how it occurs but that is irrelevant) which could lead to cardiac arrest.

If you are that concerned I would postpone the extraction, go back to your family Doc and request an EKG. If that shows anything abnormal he will probably send you to a Cardiologist for a stress test which will show any blockages or abnormalities in heart.

Finally, it is VERY possible that you have anxiety and that is what is causing your dysrythmias. If he prescribed you Ativan or Xanax, this will help with dysrythmias and help "calm" the heart so to speak.

We give IV Ativan a lot in critical care (ICU/MICU/SICU) to help "stabilize" the heart and help it to beat regularly. It just isn't used for people with anxiety.

Hope that helped.