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Most used character online so far?

Law Hero

There is a head on a pole behind you
Am I the only one that DOESN'T run into tons of Deathstrokes?

I think I fight against mostly Green Arrow and Aquaman players.


Neutral Skipper
I'm seeing quite a large variety of characters but I think the most I've seen are Batman and Aquaman. It pains me seeing people using Aquaman while I'm not maining him. He's one of my favourite DC characters ever but his playstyle is too simple for me.


UPR DanableLector
The only time i've seen Cyborg was when i was playing the story mode. Poor guy
Cyborg is in my roation. Hes a great zoner.. admittedly I find his "target aquired" missles weak as hell though. They work great in the corner and are ok for zoning and space control vs some characters. I wouldn't have a problem if they had a MB version that was unblockable. As they are now, they are blockable, slow, and only explode on impact with the ground. Useful, but not as cool as I thought they'd be :-(


Blue Beetle > Everyone Else
This is a list of character that i've faced the most since getting Injustice on tuesday

4. Green Arrow (shocker because he seems low tier)

People probably watch his new show called Arrow and lots of people love bows so i'm not surprised at all.

Vulcan Hades

1. Batman
2. Green Lantern
3. Deathstroke
4. Superman
5. Aquaman/Flash

I'm shocked that I see more Nightwings and Green Arrows than Killer Frosts.


Noob Saibot is BACK!
I've seen a lot of Deathstroke (obviously) and a lot of Shazam actually. Doesn't seem like other people encounter them as often as I do, but yeah. Also, quite a bit of Joker too
I'm seeing quite a large variety of characters but I think the most I've seen are Batman and Aquaman. It pains me seeing people using Aquaman while I'm not maining him. He's one of my favourite DC characters ever but his playstyle is too simple for me.
If the character is too simple, that's a reflection of your level of play not a reflection of aquaman. Imo.


Neutral Skipper
If the character is too simple, that's a reflection of your level of play not a reflection of aquaman. Imo.
I barely practiced with him and I was beasting everywhere online, and not just against scrubs. He's basic and extremely effective, I wanna give myself more of a challenge.
For me it goes:

1. Deathstroke
2. Aquaman (who I actually think I'm starting to see more of than DS).
3. Black Adam
4. Sinestro
5. Green Lantern
6. Flash
7. Nightwing
8. Batman
9. Soloman Grundy
10. Joker

I see those 10 consistently. I'm a Batman player. I love his mixups and he's an ultra rush down player. He can get shut down by zoning characters easily though, and it takes a lot of work for me to get in, but once I'm in, the match can be over (given how good latency is... I can't wait to play this offline against people.)

I've yet to fight a Killer Frost.

I fought 1 Harley Quinn, and dude zoned me out into oblivion, I think people will find out how versatile her zoning is soon.

I fought 1 Doomsday. I think he's top tier, people just haven't used him yet. He has so much armor on attack, it was scary. The dude online pummeled me with him, because I couldn't land a hit that wasn't armored.

I like good Grundy players when I see them. See a lot more Green Lanterns lately.

Haven't fought a Wonder Woman or Bane yet. Kind of hoping for those. I fought 1 Cyborg, he did the same move over and over again.


Crazy Mexican
I have written down every character I have faced and how many rimes i faced them and why I lost or won just too get matchups written on paper so I can study them so I can better my strategy. Out of around 250 matches here's my numbers.

Numbers in parenthesis is the number of times I encountered a character. Numbers to the left are how they rank in encounters 1-24.

1. Deathstroke (31)
2. Flash (24)
3-5. Nightwing, Green Lantern, Superman (tied 20)
6-7. Batman, Green Arrow (tied 19)
8. Harley Quinn (17)
9. Shazam (16)
10-13. Aquaman, Catwoman, Doomsday (tied 15)
14. Joker (13)
15-17. Grundy, Bane, Raven (tied 10)
18. Black Adam (9)
19. Hawkgirl (7)
20. Sinestro (6)
21. Ares (5)
22-23. Killer Frost, Lex Luthor (tied 3)
24. Cyborg (2)

I was playing as Hawkgirl, Sinestro, Doomsday and Cyborg.
I don't know if you have noticed but that is only 23 characters. You left out Wonder Woman. You also have 4 numbers allocated to 3 characters (10-13). Is that where WW is supposed to be?? or did you leave her out completely? lol


I don't know if you have noticed but that is only 23 characters. You left out Wonder Woman. You also have 4 numbers allocated to 3 characters (10-13). Is that where WW is supposed to be?? or did you leave her out completely? lol
Maybe he has yet so see a Wonder Woman. I've played 100 games online and haven't seen one yet.