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If you could replace three characters...

Black Adam,
and Lex Luthor.

Replace them with:

Mr. Freeze,
and The Phantasm.
Seriously now, The Phantasm would be someone I'd pick over one of the cast.....I can't decide on who should be replaced, though.


Bane for starfire
Only charcter I would change.
Bane has little to no role and is do damn hsrd to use. :(


killer frost with captain cold (haters gonna hate)
hawkgirl with black canary.
bane with black manta.

edit: changed harley for hawkgirl.


Burn in my Light
Doomsday with Scarecrow
Shazam with Static
Bane with Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes)

also Lobo with Mirror Master and Hal Jordan with John or Kyle and find away to get Animal Man Vixen or Beast Boy in the game


Just some guy searching for a main
Harley with Black canary.
Ares(I think he just looks like shit) with Booster gold.
Bane with Darksied.


Black Adam for Black Manta (or at least some villain for Black Manta). Harley for Cheetah/Circe/Poison Ivy/any single female villain that isn't Harley effing Quinn. I don't have a third that I think is actually worth giving up.

Don't understand the Bane hate. At all...

Also, to be clear, I still love this roster. I could just certainly live with the changes mentioned above, if I was ruler of the universe. :)


Black Adam for Black Manta (or at least some villain for Black Manta). Harley for Cheetah/Circe/Poison Ivy/any single female villain that isn't Harley effing Quinn. I don't have a third that I think is actually worth giving up.

Don't understand the Bane hate. At all...

Also, to be clear, I still love this roster. I could just certainly live with the changes mentioned above, if I was ruler of the universe. :)
Mainly because he has little to no point in the story and hes not all that favorable in online play. He doesnt have a projectile at all


Scary Bat
Killer Frost -> Mirror Master

I would do others but I don't really want to take anyone else out...


Obsidian for sinestro
Helspont or Spectre for aries
Beastboy or Static forhawk gril or any other teen titans


Skarlet who ?
I would take out Sinestro, cause he is lame and ugly, Aquaman, cause he is a joke, and Raven, because it's a trap.
These guys would take over their places



The Prettiest
Replace Black Adam with Atrocitus. Replace Sinestro with Karu-Sil and replace Green Lantern with Bleez. I am not biased.


Ares, killer frost, and raven
Replace with blue beetle, static, and zatanna

And I main bane so please no remove :'(