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Battle Arena Postponed

CY MasterHavik

Master of Chaos and Jax
Fuck terrorists man. Fuck them. Crazy assholes taking dumps on everyone. I may be crazy, but something tells me they knew Injustice was coming out and they wanted to be assholes.:D That's crazy talk, but who knows their leader may be like," Hahha we fuck up game for you."

Well just tell them this.....

We got a badass space bounty hunter as our first dlc character that will kick their ass.

So hold dat!!!
Removing my freedom of speech?

The terrorists have won afterall..
There's free speech and then there's disrespecting the dead.
Grow up.

Also, to people wondering why this may have been cancelled. DO try to realise that this was going to be a livestreamed event, filmed and recorded with actual people there. Perhaps one of them has lost a loved one in today's events? Would you expect them to act all hyped and excited knowing that there has been an incident like this?
The mood has been very much put out and I actually commend NRS/WB for postponing this and showing some respect.
The consequences should be social. Feel free to criticize me. But to silence me, is a step too far.

I was making light of it by bringing up the whole stuff with the storyline. Lighten up.

Indeed, and it would be a mistake to silence anyone, even on here. It reflects that society does not appreciate the gifts it has in the form of free speech if it is so ready and willing to self censor.

John Stuart Mill spoke about this in 'On Liberty', its a good read for fart sniffing libertarians, and smart people, like me.
You're an asshole.

But hey, freedom of speech... douche.

I was staying up for the damn stream, I'm tired and pissed off ok. Get off my back.
People have lost loved ones today, but d'awww you're tired... You can talk as much shit as you like and disrespect the innocent people that were killed meaninglessly today all you like! /endblatantsarcasm

I stayed up till 3am too but I'm not acting like a bastard about it.


Bzzzt *Paging Doctor Fate*
No disrespect to what happened in Boston, but, how are the two events in anyway related?
Well one of the themes of the story is Joker killing a woman (Lois) and her child, before bombing Metropolis. Not to mention it's out of respect for those who were involved in the tragedy today.
Pass on the dismay I guess. Boston maybe on the other side of the continent, but at least people be hard at work making sure we're upset to lol

"And then I thought, times like these we need a place like this" - Gold Saucer FF7


Man of Tomorrow
I respect their morals and decision.

However, I don't understand their time management, Lol. >30 min.

I doubt it was as simple as "oh hey, this thing happened earlier, let's just postpone this last second". They probably thought long and hard about whether to continue or not. Either that or it was a decision from the top that they received a little before the event.


King of Heroes
A bombing happend, 130 people in tje hosptial and 13 dead. 7 kids were hurt
No it was 3 people dead. Also speaking of why can't they just release who the DLC character is? If they need to cancel the stream so be it but why was the announcement canned?