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Most Attractive MK Community Member

ETC AdmiralAugustus

Grabble Frazzled
Damn, Rey is up there.

This seems like a way for us to post our mug shots. I....kinda like it. :) Also, is it cliche' of me to vote for Goldfish?
Nope, vote whoever you think is the most attractive

Is it too tacky to vote for yourself?
Nope, this ain't a personality competition.

How is GGA Jeremiah not an option or winning this contest?

Sent from my phone, using the keypad.
Because he hasn't been nominated yet, but I'm guessing this is his nomination.

I'd say HyruleNerd, but looks like she died.

So I'll go with @easyfresh .
I'll put one up for Stef and one for Easy

EDIT: OP Updated


Blue Blurs for Life!
Any post in here that has not voted for Mr. Mileena is a huge fail. His count should be in the hundreds by now.

'Course I'm pretty hot myself. I'm just cool that way. (that an oxymoron?) ;)


Obviously, it's Reo. Look his tourney resume. Gotta be pretty damn sexy for that kind of successful.