What's new

Arturo is streaming and he's allowed. Come watch (LIVE!!!)

Living Corpse

Finally got to see Ares win pose. He really doesn't waste time killing the loser, no bullshit taunting or speech he knows they're down and nows the time to finish them.

Reptile Orion

A Fire Will Rise.
Damn good footage. It certainly makes you look at certain characters like Bane and Soloman Grundy differently. The countdown continues...


Play Monster Hunter!
At least the online is more stable then MK9, everyone would have disconnected like 20 times by now.

Living Corpse

...Am I the only one who can keep his eyes on the fights and not look at the chat? XD

Have a feeling Catwomen is gonna be my main, I'm more into speed and mixups then power.


Tired, But Strong
I actually don't have the chat active at all. Not viewing from the twitch page :p

And when he had the chat up on the screen, i slapped a notepad window on top of it. I've got serious high-pop stream chat intolerance.


Neutral Skipper
That's a lot of fullstops, bro. I'm saying this because he's the goddamn King of Atlantis. It fits. Ya know?