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Here's what zombies really look like


Noob Saibot
You are severely underestimating how technologically advanced our military is. The population could not take it on if it's full force was used. And hell, in this post apocalyptic pipe dream why couldn't NATO get involved? Maybe throw in China too?
But the problem is, who is going to be apart of the military?

People in the US aren't like people from North Korea or other dictatorship countries.

The military wont turn against its people because they ARE the people. They aren't fighting wars for the government but for the citizens and our rights.

You would be hard pressed to find troops that would attack its own citizens. They are there surely, but in such minuscule numbers.

Also, even law enforcement aren't backing the governments gun grabbing and a ton are planning to stand arm and arm with people.

So if the Government doesn't have majority of the military, LE, or citizens on its side, who is going to fight on their side?


My blades will find your heart
No...I'm not underestimating "how technologically advanced our military is" at all. If it were as simple as you are suggesting, then they would just go ahead and do it already. No...they must disarm us first.
Or they don't want to kill everyone, because then no one would pay taxes...

Have you heard of a slippery slope argument.


Noob Saibot
Or they don't want to kill everyone, because then no one would pay taxes...

Have you heard of a slippery slope argument.

It would actually benefit them to kill off half of the country because that half or more don't really pay taxes considering they receive tax "refunds" (handouts) for 3-5 times the amount they pay in. It's pathetic.


My blades will find your heart
But the problem is, who is going to be apart of the military?

People in the US aren't like people from North Korea or other dictatorship countries.

The military wont turn against its people because they ARE the people. They aren't fighting wars for the government but for the citizens and our rights.

You would be hard pressed to find troops that would attack its own citizens. They are there surely, but in such minuscule numbers.

Also, even law enforcement aren't backing the governments gun grabbing and a ton are planning to stand arm and arm with people.

So if the Government doesn't have majority of the military, LE, or citizens on its side, who is going to fight on their side?
Soldiers are not the ones supplying the tanks, planes, drones etc.


Noob Saibot
Soldiers are not the ones supplying the tanks, planes, drones etc.

Yes, but who is going to man them if the troops are not on their side?

The ones that could man them are the Muslim brotherhood which Obama is drowning them with F16's, tanks, air ships, etc.

That's what my biggest concern is. Is supplying all these countries that literally HATE us with all of our tech and weapons and such.

And I don't think any country really fears us anymore. Because of our government we are just one big joke anymore that can be walked all over, threatened, and instilled fear in.
Notice any time a gun support thread comes up it immediately goes balls deep into paranoid ravings about black helicopters, build a bunker doomsday preppers and socialist/fascist takeovers by the new world order?

You sound absolutely insane, which is why people don't want you to have guns.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Notice any time a gun support thread comes up it immediately goes balls deep into paranoid ravings about black helicopters, build a bunker doomsday preppers and socialist/fascist takeovers by the new world order?

You sound absolutely insane, which is why people don't want you to have guns.
Notice how anytime someone show's support for retaining a fundamental right, people tend to make extreme statements that imply anyone who supports the other end of the argument are "absolutely insane". That's an astonishing, not to mention, EXTREME statement to make my friend.

This really boils down to ones knowledge of history. The nature of how Man runs this planet it is only a matter of time a sovereign and free nation will be under attack. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, the Philippines...they all took the guns away. Why? History has taught us what happens when the guns are taken away from a free society.

I don't own a gun...but I sure as hell support the 2nd amendment. I think it's fairly obvious where this "slippery slope" of gun control is headed...


Noob Saibot
Notice any time a gun support thread comes up it immediately goes balls deep into paranoid ravings about black helicopters, build a bunker doomsday preppers and socialist/fascist takeovers by the new world order?

You sound absolutely insane, which is why people don't want you to have guns.

So a national publicized FACT that the government will have 30,000 armed drones flying above the USA by 2020 makes me insane?

Must make 71% of the population insane also, that includes a good chunk of left wingers also.

Get a clue.


Dojo Trainee
The government isn't coming for your guns.

If anything the NRA which is funded by Gun Manufacturer's buy off Fox News/Republican party/Even some democrats. To keep guns legal. They want people to buy their assault weapons so they can keep making that dough. They also want to keep illegals being able to buy them. which is why when they did that bargain they left the loop hole of "you can sell guns between people that know eachother w/o a background check"

Seriously they left that loophole there.

Corporations are buying the government. They get us to fight eachother by making you blame "poor people for taking government handouts"

when it's actually big corporations that's on welfare, except they call it Bail Outs and subsidies. And they call poor people getting help "Welfare"

They aren't coming for your guns man, look at the money flow behind the decisions that people make in politics, and it all suddenly makes sense.

Established Democrats and Republicans only a couple here and there are any good. The rest of them get donations to their campaign and they bow their heads for some cash and give big corporations loop holes/subsidies/bailouts.
Notice how anytime someone show's support for retaining a fundamental right, people tend to make extreme statements that imply anyone who supports the other end of the argument are "absolutely insane". That's an astonishing, not to mention, EXTREME statement to make my friend.

This really boils down to ones knowledge of history. The nature of how Man runs this planet it is only a matter of time a sovereign and free nation will be under attack. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, the Philippines...they all took the guns away. Why? History has taught us what happens when the guns are taken away from a free society.

I don't own a gun...but I sure as hell support the 2nd amendment. I think it's fairly obvious where this "slippery slope" of gun control is headed...
Yeah, these paragraphs are stark raving paranoia for sure. Bringing out Hitler's corpse where he doesn't apply and ignoring our democratic traditions which makes us very different from the historical examples you cite is prove enough "the other end of the argument" doesn't want to talk about solutions only rant in anti-government cliches.

Where were the " true patriots" when the Patriot Act was signed, when the war on terror stripped us of our rights?

Was angry white america too dumb to understand how fucked up all that shit actually was, or did they get it but thought because we were doing it to brown people meant it didn't apply to the rest of us too?

We lost our rights long before the gun nuts got upset about the spectre of background checks oh no!

I'm against drones killing indiscriminately all over the world BTW, just not for the ridiculous over the top rhetoric that is used by righties and lefties.


i'm not like, trying to be a dick by the way, i just don't see how a revolution will work considering the firepower they have. i'm young though so maybe i'm just missing the bigger picture.

and an FYI i don't like the government either, so let's be friends here. :)
Dude wake up all this tech we have and we still can't get control of Iraq or Afghanistan? The Taliban there have been doing a fairly good job fighting back.


Noob Saibot
The government isn't coming for your guns.

If anything the NRA which is funded by Gun Manufacturer's buy off Fox News/Republican party/Even some democrats. To keep guns legal. They want people to buy their assault weapons so they can keep making that dough. They also want to keep illegals being able to buy them. which is why when they did that bargain they left the loop hole of "you can sell guns between people that know eachother w/o a background check"

Seriously they left that loophole there.

Corporations are buying the government. They get us to fight eachother by making you blame "poor people for taking government handouts"

when it's actually big corporations that's on welfare, except they call it Bail Outs and subsidies. And they call poor people getting help "Welfare"

They aren't coming for your guns man, look at the money flow behind the decisions that people make in politics, and it all suddenly makes sense.

Established Democrats and Republicans only a couple here and there are any good. The rest of them get donations to their campaign and they bow their heads for some cash and give big corporations loop holes/subsidies/bailouts.

The only loopholes I see is the Government supplying Mexican drug cartels with guns confiscated that are used in murders and redistributed.

While I agree that there is a cash flow of taxes from firearms purchases, making them harder and more expensive to acquire such as Class 3 firearms and destructive weapons (RPG's, grenades) will bring in more of a cash flow and regulation.

Passiveness is what has caused other countries to fall and reign under dictatorship. Not saying it will happen here, but with the politicians agenda on the plate;

1. NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act of 2011)

2. Drones

3. Firearm bans, magazine restrictions, etc.

4. Universal Healthcare Bill (which is a far cry from other countries Health Care, but that is a different story).

5. Tax increases.

Also, regarding taxes and bailouts. People want to keep working, want better money, more jobs, etc. if the government doesn't help these companies, they will just fire people, slash wages to barebones, or close its doors leaving thousands/millions unemployed.

Look at the ruckus the healthcare bill is causing. Chain companies are already putting a freeze on hiring full time employees and only hiring part time staff because of the taxes and fees that are associated with the HC bill.

I'm not worried about anybody taking my guns nor is anybody else, believe me. =)

People just don't want to face the facts. I don't know if its because of bias towards their preferred political party or what. Both parties suck and nobody should trust ANY politician, ever.


Yeah, these paragraphs are stark raving paranoia for sure. Bringing out Hitler's corpse where he doesn't apply and ignoring our democratic traditions which makes us very different from the historical examples you cite is prove enough "the other end of the argument" doesn't want to talk about solutions only rant in anti-government cliches.

Where were the " true patriots" when the Patriot Act was signed, when the war on terror stripped us of our rights?

Was angry white america too dumb to understand how fucked up all that shit actually was, or did they get it but thought because we were doing it to brown people meant it didn't apply to the rest of us too?

We lost our rights long before the gun nuts got upset about the spectre of background checks oh no!

I'm against drones killing indiscriminately all over the world BTW, just not for the ridiculous over the top rhetoric that is used by righties and lefties.
I don't get why people like you refuse to learn from history.

Our founders did which is why they wrote the constitution and amendments the way they did... which included an armed populace. Or where they just paranoid too?


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Yeah, these paragraphs are stark raving paranoia for sure. Bringing out Hitler's corpse where he doesn't apply and ignoring our democratic traditions which makes us very different from the historical examples you cite is prove enough "the other end of the argument" doesn't want to talk about solutions only rant in anti-government cliches.

Where were the " true patriots" when the Patriot Act was signed, when the war on terror stripped us of our rights?

Was angry white america too dumb to understand how fucked up all that shit actually was, or did they get it but thought because we were doing it to brown people meant it didn't apply to the rest of us too?

We lost our rights long before the gun nuts got upset about the spectre of background checks oh no!

I'm against drones killing indiscriminately all over the world BTW, just not for the ridiculous over the top rhetoric that is used by righties and lefties.
I could care less about either political party...they both have the same boss. My opinions and point of views that I've posted in this thread, do not come from a "righty" or "lefty" perspective. I'm not paranoid...nor is anyone else in this thread. I'm just calling a duck a duck. As I said before, history has shown US where we are headed...that's all I'm trying to relay ;)

Also, it is perfectly sane to mock and criticize the people in the video the OP posted...they are clearly idiots.


Dojo Trainee
Dude wake up all this tech we have and we still can't get control of Iraq or Afghanistan? The Taliban there have been doing a fairly good job fighting back.
Or there is some chance when we do drone strikes.

we kill hundreds of innocent children and people, we do double taps where we kill first responders.

and this pisses off even more people.

When we kill innocent people we call it collateral damage.

When some of them are just trying to defend, and protect themselves and retaliate naturally. WE call them terrorists.

I'm not saying it's alright for them to kill our innocent people like in 9/11

but at some point you gotta sit back and ask yourself, What if you were in their shoes.

Here take a look at these.

and... to know what the effects of war are...

I'm a very passionate person against Drone strike war-fare.


Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Let's take a look at this video...SHALL WE. Eric Holder, our infamous Attorney General who was CAUGHT shipping guns over to the cartels...
This is what we call, "Tyranny:101".


Dojo Trainee
People profit from war,

that's why they love drones where they can always do "collateral damage"

and create new "terrorists"

And us Tax payers get butt fucked, and our soldiers get sent to their deaths so some assholes can line their pockets.


Dojo Trainee
The only loopholes I see is the Government supplying Mexican drug cartels with guns confiscated that are used in murders and redistributed.

While I agree that there is a cash flow of taxes from firearms purchases, making them harder and more expensive to acquire such as Class 3 firearms and destructive weapons (RPG's, grenades) will bring in more of a cash flow and regulation.

Passiveness is what has caused other countries to fall and reign under dictatorship. Not saying it will happen here, but with the politicians agenda on the plate;

1. NDAA (National Defense Authorization Act of 2011)

2. Drones

3. Firearm bans, magazine restrictions, etc.

4. Universal Healthcare Bill (which is a far cry from other countries Health Care, but that is a different story).

5. Tax increases.

Also, regarding taxes and bailouts. People want to keep working, want better money, more jobs, etc. if the government doesn't help these companies, they will just fire people, slash wages to barebones, or close its doors leaving thousands/millions unemployed.

Look at the ruckus the healthcare bill is causing. Chain companies are already putting a freeze on hiring full time employees and only hiring part time staff because of the taxes and fees that are associated with the HC bill.

I'm not worried about anybody taking my guns nor is anybody else, believe me. =)

People just don't want to face the facts. I don't know if its because of bias towards their preferred political party or what. Both parties suck and nobody should trust ANY politician, ever.

No, the government shouldn't help these companies.

you know what happens when instead of giving these companies free money when they FAIL, or just for free? it comes out of our pockets and we get nothing in return for it.

All that happens is we keep our money instead of THEM getting it for free, and THAT alone increases our purchasing power, and THAT will create jobs.

I don't think big companies should be punished either. I'm libertarian. I don't agree with anyone taking anyone else's money. You earn what you earn, take responsibility for your life.

government cannot create jobs. Ever heard of the Broken Window Fallacy?


Notice any time a gun support thread comes up it immediately goes balls deep into paranoid ravings about black helicopters, build a bunker doomsday preppers and socialist/fascist takeovers by the new world order?

You sound absolutely insane, which is why people don't want you to have guns.
I'm happy someone brought the black helicopter thing back up. Check out this video from a few months ago over Miami, FL. Machine gun fire and everything, people were unaware it was just a drill and screaming.



Noob Saibot
No, the government shouldn't help these companies.

you know what happens when instead of giving these companies free money when they FAIL, or just for free? it comes out of our pockets and we get nothing in return for it.

All that happens is we keep out money instead of THEM getting it for free, and THAT alone increases our purchasing power, and THAT will create jobs.

government cannot create jobs. Ever heard of the Broken Window Fallacy?

Government may not be able to "create jobs" but they sure as hell are helping to destroy them.

As I've stated, Healthcare Bill will not only effect employers of poverty class and middle class, but will also bring down the upper (not rich but not middle class sort of in between).

Since the first of this year, mostly EVERYBODY (including poverty) was taxed an extra 1.5%-3%. Why?

With this healthcare bill, expect another 5% tax on top of that. When will it end. It just won't effect the "rich".

With your saying that Government should but our of private corporations (I agree to an extent) then they should also but out of Heatlhcare. It's a service that's owned by private corporations (for the most part besides some government run long term care facilities).

They will cripple the healthcare field. Lower reimbursements not only from government healthcare but also private insurance companies. It won't only mean less wages for the workers (75% middle, 15% poverty, and 10% Rich) but also lower healthcare standards, decreased staffing (which is already on the breaking point in a lot of acute care and long term care facilities), and a decrease in specialist Physicians.

I myself have contemplated not going to med school and toyed with the idea of choosing law. My passion drove me to goto med instead. It weighed heavily on my mind the cost of malpractice insurance (upto $150,000 a year, yes ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND), the lack of staffing, the longer hours due to the lack of staffing, the decreased amount of salary, the unappreciative patients, etc.

I know I went way off topic on some pouts but I'm rolling on two hours sleep and hype for Injustice.

Good convo btw. I like your ideas and its refreshing that there are some cool heads in here like you and a few others to peacefully debate without it breaking down into a war.


Dojo Trainee
Government may not be able to "create jobs" but they sure as hell are helping to destroy them.

As I've stated, Healthcare Bill will not only effect employers of poverty class and middle class, but will also bring down the upper (not rich but not middle class sort of in between).

Since the first of this year, mostly EVERYBODY (including poverty) was taxed an extra 1.5%-3%. Why?

With this healthcare bill, expect another 5% tax on top of that. When will it end. It just won't effect the "rich".

With your saying that Government should but our of private corporations (I agree to an extent) then they should also but out of Heatlhcare. It's a service that's owned by private corporations (for the most part besides some government run long term care facilities).

They will cripple the healthcare field. Lower reimbursements not only from government healthcare but also private insurance companies. It won't only mean less wages for the workers (75% middle, 15% poverty, and 10% Rich) but also lower healthcare standards, decreased staffing (which is already on the breaking point in a lot of acute care and long term care facilities), and a decrease in specialist Physicians.

I myself have contemplated not going to med school and toyed with the idea of choosing law. My passion drove me to goto med instead. It weighed heavily on my mind the cost of malpractice insurance (upto $150,000 a year, yes ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND), the lack of staffing, the longer hours due to the lack of staffing, the decreased amount of salary, the unappreciative patients, etc.

I know I went way off topic on some pouts but I'm rolling on two hours sleep and hype for Injustice.

Good convo btw. I like your ideas and its refreshing that there are some cool heads in here like you and a few others to peacefully debate without it breaking down into a war.

don't knoww here healthcare came from.

I stand that I like the program. But I think anyone who doesn't want ot pay into it should be able to opt out.

now you might ask well how does that fix anything? everyone would back out.

how about if you back out of the healthcare. You sign a waver that gets documented that you agree that "if you are hurt/injured and can't afford the care to save yourself" well then you die.

If some people want to save you despite you taking that risk. They can do a charity for people like this.

I agree that no-one should ever be forced to pay into anything outside of things like "Police/Fire department/Military"

anything else should be left up to the states.

I'd rather the government get out of building my roads. If left alone, the marketplace will create a method of transportation so they can bring in outside money.

you get back your cash, and you pay tolls on highways instead.