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Fans steal the show at wwe raw last night


holy shit i wish every crowd was like this

i wish i was apart of all that

during the sheamus orton match fans started throwing out random chants like jbl, cole , lawler, randy savage, we are awesome

also they chanted fandangos theme and continues it at a train station and on the train


in this one you hear them chant randy savage and others


Forum General Emeritus
After WM29, I was ready to throw my WWE passport in the fire... but last night's Raw made me a believer again. The mark inside me erupted when Ziggler came out and won the WHC. I cheered so loudly I pissed off my wife and neighbors, but didn't give a shit! If every WWE crowd was like this, the wrestling world would be much better than it is now.


After WM29, I was ready to throw my WWE passport in the fire... but last night's Raw made me a believer again. The mark inside me erupted when Ziggler came out and won the WHC. I cheered so loudly I pissed off my wife and neighbors, but didn't give a shit! If every WWE crowd was like this, the wrestling world would be much better than it is now.
you heard what happened with rock right? he isnt injured he left raw hours before the show and wwe creative had to rewrite everything

rock claims he tore is abdomen and if thats true ( wich i doubt) there is no way he could have continued the last 15 minutes at mania. plus he shoots the hercules movie in 2 weeks so

rumor has it rock was going to retatin but plans changed and he was pissed. stone cold did the same years ago in like 2002.

vince must be happy after lastnight since he believes in fandago and it says alot when fans cheer the heels now.

hell ziggler got a amazing pop lastnight when his music hit to cash in


Forum General Emeritus
Although it looks very unprofessional on Dwayne's part, I don't blame him for leaving like that. I'd be upset too if I had to job to a no-talent candyass like John Cena.


Although it looks very unprofessional on Dwayne's part, I don't blame him for leaving like that. I'd be upset too if I had to job to a no-talent candyass like John Cena.
cena has talent but its his 10 year good guy gimmick that is the issue. believe it or not i enjoyed what he did lastnight in the opening because that was more of a tweener role instead of going full heel. i even met him last year and was a nice guy

cena is the face for charities for the wwe so him going full bad guy would require him to play the part outside the ring wich would affect the make a wish requests. also i read fans boo'd him in a make a wish video at the hall of fame and imo i think that was disgusting. boo him on tv fine but dont boo a make a wish video because hes in it
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Forum General Emeritus
cena has talent but its his 10 year good guy gimmick that is the issue. believe it or not i enjoyed what he did lastnight in the opening because that was more of a tweener role instead of going full heel. i even met him last year and was a nice guy

cena is the face for charities for the wwe so him going full bad guy would require him to play the part outside the ring wich would affect the make a wish requests. also i read fans boo'd him in a make a wish video at the hall of fame and imo i think that was disgusting. boo him on tv fine but dont boo a make a wish video because hes in it
The fans are so fed up with him that they are now booing him regardless of circumstance. WWE has tried doing everything possible to get the fans to cheer Cena, including pairing him with fan favorites (CM Punk), making him the face of Make-A-Wish, and of course the disabled soldiers. WWE's passive tactic is to make the fans look bad for their actions in not cheering who the E wants them to cheer.


The Gruff
Although it looks very unprofessional on Dwayne's part, I don't blame him for leaving like that. I'd be upset too if I had to job to a no-talent candyass like John Cena.
nah cena has talent, its just the fucking writers are dumbasses and wont let him do shit other than his five moves of doom.....well 6 now that hes doing hurricaranas all over the place now.

His match with the Rock was horrible anyway they both pissed me off in it. I got significantly less love for Rock than i ever did, and I wasnt a big fan to begin with :/

With Cena its pretty much whatever at this point.


The fans are so fed up with him that they are now booing him regardless of circumstance. WWE has tried doing everything possible to get the fans to cheer Cena, including pairing him with fan favorites (CM Punk), making him the face of Make-A-Wish, and of course the disabled soldiers. WWE's passive tactic is to make the fans look bad for their actions in not cheering who the E wants them to cheer.
i can argue and say who could really steer the wwe in the right direction.

guys like ziggler, ambrose, rhodes, sandow

vince mcmahon is the final say when it comes down to the final script and so far i hate what he is doing because do we really want a ryback cena feud? i also read they are turning kofi heel wich makes zero sense since fans love him and as a heel he will get a push ( he deserves a push but the heel part i just cant see)


nah cena has talent, its just the fucking writers are dumbasses and wont let him do shit other than his five moves of doom.....well 6 now that hes doing hurricaranas all over the place now.

His match with the Rock was horrible anyway they both pissed me off in it. I got significantly less love for Rock than i ever did, and I wasnt a big fan to begin with :/

With Cena its pretty much whatever at this point.
i used to enjoy cena when he was the white rapper but wwe creative is trying to make him a rock/austin hybrid wich cant be done

i also found out fandango was in wwe developmental for 10 years and now they finally called him up ... that just go's to show how wwe works in regards to there talent and building charachters.

i use to be one of those fans that say bring back the attitude era but now that i think of it times have changed in the world and wwe wants to follow the hot thing in popular culture.

fandango is actually a dancing with the stars creation geared torwards women so whats next?

i hated swaggers past gimmick but i love his new one simply because its ballsy and basicly targets a real discussion in the world


i guess rock wasnt lying afterall.............................

Source: F4WOnline

As noted earlier, The Rock legitimately suffered torn abdominal and abductor muscles and suffered a hernia during his match with John Cena at WrestleMania 29 last Sunday. Dave Meltzer noted on Wrestling Observer Live that the Rock did in fact notify the company about the injury. It may be a case of a lot of people not knowing what was going on while the show was re-written yesterday, which led to word getting out that he had bolted home without telling anyone.
The Rock immediately flew to Miami yesterday to get the injury checked out. Meltzer noted that the muscle was completely torn off the pelvis, and that it was a bad tear that may require surgery.

If he does need surgery, that would put off filming for his upcoming movie, Hercules, for the time being. The Rock was scheduled to leave shortly to Hungary and Croatia to film the movie, in which he is playing the title role. This is a big deal, as the movie is a major project co-produced by Paramount and MGM with Brett Ratner (The Rush Hour series, Tower Heist) slated to direct and was scheduled to release during the key summer movie season of 2014. This more than explains the urgency of Rock wanting to get the injury checked out. Rock has been preparing for the role for a while, and has expressed his excitement for the project during several media interviews. There is also another Hercules movie in production, Hercules 3D, that was already planning to beat Ratner's movie into theatres by five months.

This also will undoubtedly put pressure on The Rock to stop wrestling. The movie studios have big money riding on him with these projects, and there was always the fear of Rock getting injured during a match. Since he started getting lead roles in 2002, he had managed to stay injury free with his matches, which likely put execs at ease. The only injury he had sustained during that time was rupturing his Achilles tendon in 2006, however that was during the filming of The Game Plan and not during a match. Even so, the injury delayed that project.


steals your stuff
There is so much wrong with the WWE ( 3 hours is too long, Cesaro and Barret holding titles yet losing week after week, the tag division is a joke),but last night's show was a the best in a very long time. The raucous crowd had a lot to do with it and Ziggler winning the title was looooooong overdue.


vince mcmahon must be happy his guy got over because the fandango craze is topping the music chart and now being used at games for cheerleaders

texas cheerleaders do fandangos theme

Fandango's WWE Theme Song Charting in The UK, National Newspaper Picks Up on the Hype

In the UK Singles Charts, the Fandango theme "ChaChaLaLa" has overnight climbed from outside the top 1,000 and rocketed into the charts. At the time of this writing it is at number 30, but has been climbing all day and is anticipated to continue.


Yeah I noticed this too. Especially when Dolph came out. It was like a old scool crowd on Monday.
i hope to god they dont make dolph a jobber. imo he should be wwe champion since that belt is the only one that matters and smackdown is pretty much a dead brand and the world title is invalid

also this should be dolphs new theme if he were to go face