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Now, that we've officially seen the full roster in action, who are you still planning to main?


Cock Master!!
Super man
Wonder Woman
Green arrow ( high chance to be my main, in spite of my love for the other two).

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Eternal student
I think it would have been better to make this when the game came out and people actually used the characters
1. Black Adam
2. Grundy
3. WonderWoman
Fuck, that was difficult.

cR WoundCowboy

WoundCowbae <3
1. Lex Luthor- I will be devoting 90% of my attention to him once the launch happens.
2. Sinestro- He is evil and seems to have a good mix of offense and defense.
3. Ares

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
im still waiting for character alts, if Red Hood is a Deathstroke alt he's my main hands down but other than that
Green Lantern


1) Flash because he's a heavy rushdown character. Rushdown is more of my style. Brady also said he's a super Johnny Cage so any character with dirty frame traps I just have to use haha.
2) Joker because he's my favorite comic book villian. I'm definitely gonna give him a try but I'm mainly gonna focus on Flash.
3) Grundy because I'm a fan of grappling characters and he seems to be the ultimate choice for grapplers.


Tired, But Strong
I plan to main Bane, and sub one character out of many potential choices. I suppose the top two of those choices (making this a list of three) would be Green Arrow and Deathstroke.

Trying to keep as many bases covered as possible while still playing characters that seem to suit what I enjoy, playstyle-wise.


Ball Hog The Betrayer
1. Deathstroke- Personal favorite
2. Bane- Hesitant until I saw the most recent gameplay for him, now excited.
3. Shazam- Another personal favorite.


too smart to play MKX
Well, I'm definitely subbing Doomsday regardless of anything... The character I'm most likely to end up maining at this point (from what I've seen) are:

1) Aquaman
2) Black Adam
3) Raven

It's all on the basis of who's going to have good air-control without the word "Green" in their name... There's going to be a horde of fuckscrub Batmans that will absolutely refuse to stop jumping for any reason. Gotta shut that shit down early.

Ares is a priority too... but that would break the three character limit here...

I'm probably just going to end up playing to troll and decide my main that way. And I'd rather not end up playing a character that everyone and their grandmother will be using...


Don't give up!
1- Black Adam
3- ??????

Black Adam and Aquaman are kinda on the top of my list to attempt to be decent at. After I get a feel for those two, the rest is up in the air. Too many fun looking characters. I'm really liking how Killer Frost looks, but I also want to give Ares a try. Also Green Lantern. But yeah, Bee-Aye and Aye-Que are the main boyz.


1- Raven- not b/c of the crappy cartoon, I like the comic character and her gameplay in this looks great.
2- Harley- love her potential overall. She has a little of everything and looks fun. Everyone wants to ride the Harley...come on now :)
3- Sinestro- he just looks so hype to me and I always liked him.