too smart to play MKX
Yeah, but it should also be noted that he really should've added "#excusesexcuses" to that statement. Look, my internet connection is mediocre at best because Charter Cable is the world's worst ISP and my landlord is a doucheprick and won't let me upgrade to something viable because it would mean drilling new holes. Check it:People need to remember that Injustice could have the best netcode ever invinted and it still won't help them if they have a shitty connection. As Hector already said several times, people need to have realistic expectations about what good netcode can do. No matter what, data has to be sent and received, which means that online play will always be laggier than offline play. Science!

Following Hector's logic, since my connection is mediocre my online experience with SCV should have been mediocre. Nope.
In SCV, 8 or 9 out of 10 matches basically feel like offline. MK9's netcode was unplayable for me for a while but after the patch they put out addressing the issue, I'd say it improved for me about 50% and--while it was still really shitty--it was a semi-consistent shitty. Players who were smarter than the average bear could even handle Raiden's thunderport sometimes.
The bottom line is, SCV's scene had people that trained online and went to tournaments and blew people the fuck up. Injustice should have that factor going for it too. I think the biggest factor that keeps people away from a real tournament (aside from time, money and life) is an unwillingness to be completely embarrassed their first time out. Even though usually you go to tournaments to get good, rather than getting good and then going to tournaments...
If the netcode is really good like SCV, it will be a serious boon to this game's lifespan and offline scene (since unlike SCV, this game will be popular and have a developer that won't forget about it). You'll have a constant stream of new blood leveling up online and then wanting to swing their dicks in locals or majors. At the very least the game will be worth playing online and people will be more inclined to buy DLC so they can show off their swag to other couch warriors and the cashflow will just keep the game on a support structure.
Anyway, it's 2013 and every fighting game should have netcode on par with SCV as a rule, no exceptions. But I haven't seen any indication from NRS that they have any idea what they're doing in this area... considering that they didn't demo the online for anyone and I haven't any playtesters mention it.
So yeah. The coin was flipped a while ago and it'll land in six days... went with option 3.