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[Discussion] Injustice Tournament Rules?

Tom Brady

As of right now here is what that standard should be...

1. 2/3 matches
2. Interactables and Transitions ON
3. Random stage for the first game. If the loser wants a new stage, they have the option for another random stage, or to 50/50 the stage select. Random stage means the stage AND stage level that is pre-selected by the game at the character select screen.


100% agree with 3/5.

Interactables I'm unsure of. I say we can start with them on but I think as time goes on they should be turned off. It hurts the balance a bit. I know I'm not the only one to say this but I get really pissed when a dumpster or some random bs hits me and kills me or puts me with no health left.
Some really strong cases for starting with 2/3 were made the other day, and I support the game starting with a 2/3 system at all majors until TOs feel comfortable switching it to 3/5 on the basis of the tournament being able to run on-time, among other things.

I'm cool w interactables and transitions set to ON

i disagree with random stages 100%. Both players should be allowed to chose their preliminary stage and let the game coinflip between who wins the stage selection. Afterwards, loser picks the stage.

Deleted member 5032

I agree with everything except the stage selection part. I think the 50/50 should be the initial choice, and the loser gets to choose the next stage, though I think it would be fine either way.

LionHeart V1

You will feel deaths cold embrace
I agree with the 3/5, i'm not sure on the transitions and the interactions yet. I feel like the transitions do a little to much damage and not being able to block interactions makes no sense. Kind of want to see how it plays out in a tournament first before any final decision is made.


My blades will find your heart
100% agree with 3/5.

Interactables I'm unsure of. I say we can start with them on but I think as time goes on they should be turned off. It hurts the balance a bit. I know I'm not the only one to say this but I get really pissed when a dumpster or some random bs hits me and kills me or puts me with no health left.
So your mad when something hits you and kills you. Maybe try dodging it then.

I get that you may think they are random, but they are not. They are in the same spot on the map every time. Learn where they are and defend against them properly. It really isn't THAT hard.


Average at Best
I like the idea of Random stages, specially in the games infancy, that way the community will have to adapt to and learn everything all the different stages have to offer.


Tired, But Strong
I think 50/50 for the stage select first game and letting the loser choose in customary fashion for the following games seems pretty fair. I don't mind this method either, though.

Agree totally about transitions and interactables.

x/y matches is a bit difficult. I like 3/5 a lot but... For the sake of TOs, I think maybe initially going 2/3 to get a feel for how long it takes might be wise to avoid tournaments potentially running over their allotted times at their venue. The average amount of time to spare and player input would then influence whether or not there's a movement toward 3/5. I think this'll be the subject of ongoing discussion no matter what, though.


The Ignore Button Is Free
im cool with this. im going to the 1st injustice major next month so im glad to see these rules.

i can see stage interactions being turned off later on in the future tho. they're kinda wack


PTH|RM Relaxedstate
100% agree with 3/5.

Interactables I'm unsure of. I say we can start with them on but I think as time goes on they should be turned off. It hurts the balance a bit. I know I'm not the only one to say this but I get really pissed when a dumpster or some random bs hits me and kills me or puts me with no health left.
I think spending a bar of armor is a great way to deal with these shenanagins
Edit: Dumpster does need nerfs though

Deleted member 5032

agree 100% w/ tom. stage selections have ALWAYS been like this and should've been like this for mortal kombat.
I can definitely see the appeal, it just seems weird to me to make the 50/50 happen after the first game. If the winner gets their stage, that's potentially worse for the loser than just doing another random select. I don't care if the initial choice is random or 50/50, but it seems to make a lot of sense for the next choice to be either random or loser's choice; not 50/50.

The Borax Kid

So not only has the last match loser been blown up by a random stage select but then they only have 50/50 on the next one too?

Why not let the loser pick the next stage whether you start out random or 50/50?
I really want to stress that this thread is TOM BRADY'S PERSONAL OPINION ON WHAT THE RULES FOR INJUSTICE SHOULD BE. This does not in any way shape or form represent what individual Tournament Organizers for Injustice are going to be using in their tournaments; it is 100% up to them. Please do not take this thread as anything more than "share your opinions on what you would like the tournament rule set to be and why".

Folks, the game's not even out yet. Remember your opinions are pretty moot until you've actually sat down and played it for a while. Just like Tim said, the rules should stay as close to default as possible until the game has actually been cracked open and the first month jitters are out of our systems.


Yung Kneecaps
Stage counter picking is weak. Players should be able to choose whichever stage they want at anytime cause even the game randomizes it and if you ain't playing with the stage interactions and transitions on then you ain't playing the game to its full potential. Its easy to adapt to environmental obstacles of stages and they are useful in combos too