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super moves, continued combos

i thought it was pretty nice to see in the battle arena fights that green aroow could not only combo into a super but he combod out of it into a stage transition, have we a list of characters that can also continue a combo after there super has finished, :)
FrothyOmen edit - See 2:17 in the video for the Green Arrow Super
Did you even watch the video? GA clearly cancels a string into a wallbounce, and he even glows purple (the universal meter usage visual cue in injustice!) when he does it.

That was very clearly a 6-bar combo done extremely soon after a clash lol. It's all just for show though, not representative of true gameplay
what infra dead is trying to say is that when you cancel a string into a wallbounce, that cost 2 bars. Green arrow did not do a naked wallbounce (which costs no meter). That's where those extra 2 bars of meter are coming from.


Button Masher
it may not be just 6 bars...

before he did the super he WON a clash. unless hawkgirl put in no meter he used meter there. did a simple combo into super into combo canceled into super.

i say 7

redeyes - 1
skitzo- 0


Yes GA uses 6 bars, however, he can still combo into and out of super... as least I assume. I don't really know if he can combo into at all. the only thing we know for sure is that he can combo out of it.

xInfra Deadx

Gimmick stolen by Jordan Peele
OK this thread is hella off-topic. Get back on topic please.​
Green Arrow: Is able to combo into and back out of his super. Consider this confirumed.​
Harley Quinn: Same as above.​
Anyone else?​
That's about it, really.

Ninja edit: Not counting DLC characters, obviously.