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Biden calls for the creation of a New World Order


Noob Saibot
This is the same guy that told people and I quote,

"why do you need an AR15? Just get a double barrel shotgun and fire both shots through your door or go outside and fire both shots into the air if you hear an intruder."

And people actually vote for these politicians. It's insanity. They couldn't run a McDonalds let alone a country.



lol i posted that exact theme on alex jones facebook page since one of his internet darlings called me a government op agent
It goes much deeper than that lol. Ted Turner the founder of CNN and billionaire globalist was behind the whole wrestling thing in the 90's. He's still on the news stations, as recent as last year calling for a new world order.


It goes much deeper than that lol. Ted Turner the founder of CNN and billionaire globalist was behind the whole wrestling thing in the 90's. He's still on the news stations, as recent as last year calling for a new world order.
i know all about that. i used to follow alex jones and after what he said about colorado and sandy hook thats when i jumped off the wagon and said the guy is paranoid beyond belief.

the man believes those 2 crimes were staged to have a gun ban...........

dont get me wrong i believe in some conspiracies like jfk being killed by our own people and not the mob, i believe we covered up aliens, 911 till this day is questionable ( not saying i believe bush did it) but alex jones makes it sound like every little thing in life is one and thats not healthy.


Come On Die Young
i know all about that. i used to follow alex jones and after what he said about colorado and sandy hook thats when i jumped off the wagon and said the guy is paranoid beyond belief.

the man believes those 2 crimes were staged to have a gun ban...........

dont get me wrong i believe in some conspiracies like jfk being killed by our own people and not the mob, i believe we covered up aliens, 911 till this day is questionable ( not saying i believe bush did it) but alex jones makes it sound like every little thing in life is one and thats not healthy.
Alex Jones is hilarious though. When he started talking to Piers Morgan in a British accent I lost it.

I don't have a problem with anything said. People watch too many movies. Leadership and reform =/= tyranny.


i know all about that. i used to follow alex jones and after what he said about colorado and sandy hook thats when i jumped off the wagon and said the guy is paranoid beyond belief.

the man believes those 2 crimes were staged to have a gun ban...........

dont get me wrong i believe in some conspiracies like jfk being killed by our own people and not the mob, i believe we covered up aliens, 911 till this day is questionable ( not saying i believe bush did it) but alex jones makes it sound like every little thing in life is one and thats not healthy.

Then you probably know there's something more to it than the media tells you.

As far as those other topics go, that's not really what this thread is about. I've seen Sandy Hook threads get shut down pretty quickly on this site, but if you wanted to discuss those other topics with me in private, I'd be more than happy to.

World government will never exist. I don't get why conspiracy theorists get riled up.
It's just the hundreds of world leaders and prominent people calling for it. But when they get confronted they say "we mean a good world government, not the one you guys talk about."

Don't make me post videos, it's almost like, you name the person, I'll find the clip. Dude the freakin pope even calls for a New World Order, google it.


He's still said some pretty ridiculous things though.
Its not as ridiculous as you might think. Believe me. As far as robots and drones, there are plenty of videos showing drones flying in the United States, over NFL games etc..

Check this out, from last month over south by southwest.

Edit: Oh, im not sure if this one was a homeland security drone or not. Some local police departments also use drones so who knows.



Shoot them. Shoot them all.
Alex Jones isn't crazy or ridiculous at all. In fact, his reaction to all of this gun grabbing bullshit is how every American should be reacting to our rights just disappearing right before our very eyes. Sandy Hook was OBVIOUSLY a staged drill. Just research it and the holes in the "official story" are simply staggering. I mean it's sloppy and laughable. (search for Robbie Parker's press conference the night he lost his daughter...his behavior is very questionable...smiling, laughing, then goes into character as a grieving father...its pathetic)
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