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WWE/Martha Hart lawsuit resolved - Free to use Owen Hart's name


Forum General Emeritus

After more than a decade of grief, WWE finally resolved the grudge with Owen Hart's widow, Martha, earlier today. This means WWE is now free to use Owen Hart's name and show videos of him on broadcasts from this point forward.

I, for one, am ecstatic about the news. The only question I have is whether or not Owen Hart deserves the hall of fame? I would assume that Owen will probably be inducted next year as this news just broke today. IMHO though, if Owen hadn't died in the manner he did, I don't think he would have been worthy of consideration. Ignoring the fact that he never held the WWE/F title, truth be told, he was a mid-carder (on the high end, but still a mid-carder) and he simply could not generate the crowd response of a main eventer (HHH, Austin, Rock, HBK). He was resistant to change and would have found himself jobbing to others very quickly had he not reverted back to his old Blue Blazer gimmick.


He does not belong in the HoF. However, he will make it in because of how he died. It's stupid that that is going to get him in but the sad thing is, it's really what has made him be remembered by many wrestling fans who do not know anything else about his career.

I do wonder though if he had lived, if he would have gone to better things. I've heard that he was desperately trying to go to WCW to join his brother Bret because he was not liking the WWE for obvious reasons.


Forum General Emeritus
He does not belong in the HoF. However, he will make it in because of how he died. It's stupid that that is going to get him in but the sad thing is, it's really what has made him be remembered by many wrestling fans who do not know anything else about his career.

I do wonder though if he had lived, if he would have gone to better things. I've heard that he was desperately trying to go to WCW to join his brother Bret because he was not liking the WWE for obvious reasons.
Owen would have left WWE along with the rest of the family (Bulldog and Neidhart) had he not been locked into a contract. He had no other feasible option so he stayed on with WWE; thinking he would just wait until the contract expired and then go join his family in WCW later down the road. But with his death in 1999, Bret's early retirement in 2000, and WCW's destruction in 2001, who knows what would have happened had things gone down differently...


Owen would have left WWE along with the rest of the family (Bulldog and Neidhart) had he not been locked into a contract. He had no other feasible option so he stayed on with WWE; thinking he would just wait until the contract expired and then go join his family in WCW later down the road. But with his death in 1999, Bret's early retirement in 2000, and WCW's destruction in 2001, who knows what would have happened had things gone down differently...
I knew he was stuck to his contract. Imagine all the crap that he would have gone through if he just walked out? I think it's kind of sad considering that nowadays, you can ask for your release if you are not happy and they will grant it to you. I'm sure they were doing all hat stuff just to spite him which is the way McMahon worked back then.

BTW, interesting tidbit I heard many years ago. Apparently, if Owen had never died, he was supposed to start a new gimmick that went by "The Game"


Forum General Emeritus
BTW, interesting tidbit I heard many years ago. Apparently, if Owen had never died, he was supposed to start a new gimmick that went by "The Game"
I heard that too. It would have been interesting to see if Owen could have pulled that off to the degree HHH did.


I heard that too. It would have been interesting to see if Owen could have pulled that off to the degree HHH did.
I'm sure he would have done very well with it. He obviously had the ring skills and had some very good mic work to go with it.


Man of Tomorrow
They're just now putting Bruno in there. -_-

Sent from The Turk

They tried for years but Bruno always turned them down. The move to PG, Hunter actually showing up to try and get him in and the fact that there may be an "actual" hall of fame one day were major factors in getting him.

I would suspect Savage gets in next year, along with Owen Hart.

I'd assume they'd want both to be a headliner, unless they're doing a "gone but not forgotten" or something that includes Savage, Hart and Paul Bearer, among others, I don't know if they'll do that.


Noob Saibot
Ahhh, the golden age of wrestling of my childhood. In my opinion, I think Owen would have had a run for the title eventually. There could have been a good skit with him and HBK feuding. There were endless options at the time for him with good feuds. All of DX, Stone Cold, The Rock, Undertaker, etc. She he was a mid-carder like other have said.

I always thought Owen had good mic skills to go with his good ring skills.

Those were the days though. After about the 2003, I stopped watching it all together. I think that was around the time the new guys started coming in to the fed and taking over.