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Introducing InjusticeSociety.com!

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
Many people are aware of this, but for those of you who aren't, last night a website dedicated solely to Injustice was launched:


I understand that there will likely be misconceptions regarding the site's intentions and ambitions, so I'd like to make certain aspects of our philosophy abundantly clear. Due to Injustice's broad appeal, we understand that a plethora of sites/forums will be exploring the game and, in many ways, it feels as though Injustice is caught in the middle of several communities.

Our team felt that it was unlikely and unreasonable for each of these different communities to travel to all of one other's sites to compare tech, find local players and build a stronger community, so we have attempted to build a place in the middle. We understand that these individual sites and communities (SRK, MKU, TYM, SB, etc.) are families and our goal is not to replace anyone. We would never want, nor would we expect anyone to leave their homes and the families they've built on these sites. Instead, we created Injustice Society to act as a place in the middle -- a place in which all of these different families could meet to share and develop tech, make new friends and broadcast to a larger, more diverse audience.

In other words, I'll still be posting on TYM and disseminating crudely Photoshopped images all over the place as per usual. This site is still a home to me, and most of the members are my family, but I'm hoping this family can come to the table with other families (SRK, MKU, 8WR, etc.) in a neutral territory to make finding local players easier, sharing and developing tech easier, promoting events easier, and so forth.

If we try to broaden this audience by providing a place in which we can all meet as Injustice players, tech will develop faster, people might find local scenes they weren't aware of, and the game will last longer. For example, many MK scenes have been pretty isolated and self reliant, and when players try to find MK scenes, they don't always have players nearby. Since Injustice could have a broader appeal, this could serve as an excellent opportunity to strengthen local scenes. So, you might find as an MK player, if we can get a place in which everyone can meet under one roof, that there might be a nearby Capcom scene that plays Injustice you could attend -- a scene that you were previously unaware of because it wasn't advertised on a MK community matchmaking forum. If you go, maybe you'll start playing a Capcom game or maybe these new friends will take a liking to Mortal Kombat and join TYM. This door swings both ways and it's these possibilities we want to explore. I'd love to see Injustice bring us together enough that MK10 will be treated far more fairly upon its release.

I think Injustice, as well as this site, if they take off the way we hope, can genuinely act as a way to introduce multiple communities to one another. From there friendships build and a little more unity could arise between the FGC as a whole. We have good friends on both sides of the fence and are working to make sure everyone is included. Tim Static, 9.95, Shock, Summoning, ZaQ and other TYM leaders have voiced support on our site and many have offered to help in any way possible.

I'm reaching out to SRK and members from various communities on a daily basis so we can produce content and events that bring us closer together. We've been working on a 5v5 since before Winter Brawl that has gained a lot of traction; you'll see it at ECT V and the players we have are outstanding. You won't be disappointed. I also want to mention the original content we have planned because it's something our team is extremely passionate about.

Many of you have seen Jump In, a series I've worked extremely hard on, and the site will feature several other pieces of purely unique video content with more coming, obviously, once the game is released. Upon launch we’ll be providing a wide variety of programs that put a new spin on tech videos, match-up discussion, coverage of majors and more. Also, the TechBusters segment with J360 will be hilariously fun. Hopefully you guys enjoy the entertainment.

I also want to make a note that this endeavor relies on everyone, including each and every one of you. If you have suggestions, ideas, or if you think there are ways for us to become more efficient in accomplishing our goals, we'd love to hear them. You can PM me any time on either site, Skype me any day, DM me on Twitter (@Phase_Three), etc. I look forward to Injustice and can't wait to see everything it brings to the TYM family and the FGC.

(Sorry for writing such a gigantic novel, but most of you should be used to it by now -- also, I apologize for not including some funny image in my post, I understand it's wildly uncharacteristic of me. If I get enough complaints I'll make sure to post one.)


Come On Die Young
The site is awesome. So far we've got a great group of guys running it with some great plans for the community. Nothing but good things to come.
I see Ozymandias as soon as I click on the website. Fuck yes. :D

Also, holy fuck Ozymandias is STH's favorite comic book character? New found respect. lol


too smart to play MKX
Awesome site. Just joined, looking forward to posting.

You'll be getting alternative forum skins that won't hurt my eyes, right?

Or am I just a dumbshit who can't find the button...?

Phase 3

Feels Good Man
Thanks for the support, everyone!

Is it tapatalk supported? I wanna join but that's all I use
Awesome site. Just joined, looking forward to posting.

You'll be getting alternative forum skins that won't hurt my eyes, right?

Or am I just a dumbshit who can't find the button...?

He's our magical website genie, so I'm sure he'll be able to answer these questions for you. Well shoot, now I don't feel very helpful at all...

Hopefully this makes up for it: