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Is this the truest thing on the internet?


Dojo Trainee
I'm probably no different on the reverse side, Minus the whole "calling the other game trash"

I played SSFIV for a good year and a half. You might think I liked it, if I played it for a year. Nah I didn't particularly enjoy it. I just kept forcing myself because I kept telling myself it was a good game. because on paper it really is a good game, but something about it turns me off.

When it comes to Mortal Kombat. I'm gonna be serious and say that, if it didn't have the Mortal Kombat name attached to it. I probably wouldn't like this game either.

I grew up on mortal kombat and not Street Fighter. So I think nostalgia beats me out. I think if the series can make you care about the characters more, you're gonna be more likely to pick it up.

So you'd think I grew up on X-men and stuff as well that I should like Marvel vs Capcom. Well I don't either lol.

I don't know, I like Blazblue/Mk9/SSBM

But I can't stand SSFIV and UMVC3.

What's wrong with me?

btw I was very "meh" oh Blazblue until I was so bored I bought it. played the game which also has a really good story mode, got to know the characters and now it's one of my favorite games.

I'm starting to think I need to feel for the characters, but that doesn't explain why I don't like Marvel.


TYM White Knight
This is just for fun, don't take it to seriously. If any Capcom fan gets but hurt about it, they need to get a sense of humor :)


It's true if you are twelve...
...no, I'm joking: even if you are twenty :)
Sooner or later you became a man, the fanboy in you dies and you understand it's dumb to love or hate something only for his brand (or name).


Dojo Trainee
I think this mainly describes really arrogant jerks like FChamp. Don't get me wrong, FChamp is a great fighting game player, but he's a scum human being who has no manners and no respect for anybody. I had more manners at the age of four than he will ever have in his life.


Totally true lol..

I remember a time where people loved both Capcom and MK games equally.. Now that both games have grown in two different directions the level of bias is ridiculous. On both sides.