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The Ascension Arena


EGP Wonder_Chef what not place for a friendly rivalry? We've been calling out each other for a friendly competition for a while and in the end it's nothing but love anyways.

We haz a history. Something about me being better with a character ;).

Tim Static

Lead Moderator
Think this should get any mention in the Injustice board? I haven't seen any, anyway. Maybe in the sticky asking about TYM community events? I'm sure a lotta folks don't exactly scope out this board/recognize what it is by the thread title. Or is it too early for that?
Im for it, but the IGAU mods are Karried Rathalos shaowebb GuamoKun

Since i tagged them, figure how what you want to do, and do it. :coffee:


Play Monster Hunter!
I saw this thread a couple times, but based on the title, and the fact it was in offtopic I assumed it had something to do with either God of War, or some random internet thing that was currently popular.

I have no power here, but I could make a thread that links to here and sticky it, or someone with more power could change the title/and or move it.

Something should probably be done though.