trying to wait for better screenshots... unless you guys wanna throw me a bone <idea> here
Wow you're on top of things.
Personally I'd be fine with this lightning bolt:
Though I don't know your process so if it doesn't come out well, that's totally fine. I couldn't find anything like a need little logo like some of the other ones got. Which is what I'd personally prefer. But I don't know how that bright yellow would play out over the mostly yellow Regime logo.
If I was more inclined towards photoshop, I'd be trying to turn that white center of the bolt black without making it look like crap. But I really suck at that shit.
EDIT: just want to let everyone know that if you google image search "Black Adam pimp", the second picture in the third row is a screen shot of Mr. T that brings you to this thread where
I posted it:
Don't know why but that makes me super happy.