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Injustice - PAX East Off Screen Black Adam Gameplay


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
My only concern is that there's no gap between the three orbs. There doesn't appear to be a way to seperate them for three distinct uses. Then again, this is literally the only footage we have of the guy and its terrible.
We'll just have to wait till there is more to go on really. They didn't do much of anything with him to show us how he works. Just showed how his orbs look and how his super looks. There was a line and they didn't have time to dig deep apparently.


Well-Known Gay Member
for people discussing Supers - the worst i have seen was Cyborg's - Very basic and simple - i already didn't like his game-play and his super is not nice either...


Tired, But Strong
Not according to the Lex trailer bra.
Two things you gotta know about Lex

1. He lies. A lot.
2. He will never, ever come to terms with Superman. Proven time and again.

(Also, he's seen preparing some kryptonite and then aiming a kryptonite laser and an oncoming flying character in that trailer :p )

tl;dr dude's duplicitous as hell.


Soul Kollector
Two things you gotta know about Lex

1. He lies. A lot.
2. He will never, ever come to terms with Superman. Proven time and again.

(Also, he's seen preparing some kryptonite and then aiming a kryptonite laser and an oncoming flying character in that trailer :p )

tl;dr dude's duplicitous as hell.
Man, why does everyone suspect Lex is up to no good.

*Burns history books*
Meh, bit off topic for this thread, but Hawkgirl seems to have a boss kit and 0 hype. I anticipate way 2 many sleepers destroying with her.
I'm really excited for Hawkgirl, I was hoping for her and Raven from day 1. Everything else has just been icing on the cake.

GGA Fill Pops

The Ultimate Bastich
i havent looked through all the comments so idk if anyone already caught this but when BA does his super all the power in Gotham goes out...or it looks like it. if so that is awesome!!! this lightning bolt is that strong!