Injustice is going to be hype! Can't wait.
Things will work out how he wants it to. I suppose he is doing this just to make the pot bigger planning on his fundamentals to carry him through Injustice tournaments.It's a shame no one had this hype back when he first said this.
I don't like to, but here's the worst part about it my friend. Capcom players have a bad history with playing other games and then dropping them and trashing the game. History has a very bad habit of repeating itself. Like I said, I don't like to when it comes to capcom guys, but there is evidence of what they do to non-capcom games in the past and you can't ignore it.Yes I know that people are dismissing the game. But you can't make a generalization such as "not a lot of Capcom players will be playing this game because I know this one Capcom game player who isn't" or "people dropped Mk so they will drop Injustice too."
Namedropping ftw!buddy Andre(OMGITZANDRE)
Doesnt matter, Champ is just being an ultimate wanker about it, hype the game up yeah, rile our community up fine. But discrediting us on our own game that I'm pretty sure he knows bothing about, thats bollocks.
Compare it to the UK scene, you dont see players like Ryan Hart slagging our MK players off saying we're gonna be free in Injustice, just play the game.
This.My reaction when REO bodies this turd.
But seriously, wouldn't it be the same? MK players can't win at Capcom games, but Capcom players can't win at MK?
Anyway, they'll probably win when Injustice comes out, but after a while? Nah.
Also Mileena's Hitbox.
lol it's not my style, but he's a friend of mine. So it's moreso a friend of mine who just so happens to be known as a good Marvel player. Lucky me I suppose...and would he really get a video game for a stick? That's waste of cheese.Namedropping ftw!
I know Andre would only get Injustice for the stick.
I've seen him on FB talking about Injustice, and I've talked to him about MK. He doesn't like to play the NRS it's not my style, but he's a friend of mine. So it's moreso a friend of mine who just so happens to be known as a good Marvel player. Lucky me I suppose...and would he really get a video game for a stick? That's waste of cheese.
lol, in a different sense yes I agree, but not to the point where they would be watching some other game there not even in the match and holding up MK matches and shit.Are you crazy. There's a ton of divas in our community lol
I'm having a hard enough time getting people to RSVP to my own Injustice tournament!
If you have no pride in doing something that you put alot of effort into, you're an idiot.pride is a killer, why people allow themselves to be controlled by others like this escapes me.
care to explain why? you probably cant.If you have no pride in doing something that you put alot of effort into, you're an idiot. know when i hear something about AE it's about the top players and all their reads and USA vs. Japan. Do a lot of players in the states fly under the radar in AE?Tbh, coming from a guy who doesnt play mk9, but mains ssf4ae. Top players aren't much better than any of the other good players out there. The only thing that puts them ahead is the experience, staying calm in high stress situations, and reads. I have watched buddies of mine that I can beat. Body Fchamp,Ricky,Justin in sets. I know this Fchamp stuff is all publicity , but just throwing that out there.