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Injustice - Character feedback from Arturo Sanchez from playtesting at NetherRealm Studios


As Hector mentioned on the PAX East stream, there were several high level players who were brought in to test out Injustice to make sure they could help with development and balance. Arturo Sanchez and NerdJosh of Team Sp00ky were two of these playtesters. After the showing of Injustice on the PAX stream, Arturo began answering tweets concerning how certain characters play. Needless to say he was bombarded with tons of questions. Here are a few of his answers.


If you have a question about Injustice that Arturo might be able to answer, give him a follow (via nycfurby)and send your questions!



Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
So my initial mains are good (Aquaman, Green Arrow)? Success! Now I want some info on Lex!


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
so, Sinestro and Batman top high tier already, without the game even coming out ? lol @ that :p


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
That's fine, Sinestro does not interest me in the least bit. Batman maybe would play around with, but no intentions on maining him. I'm going to use Raven, Doomsday, GA, Shazam and Supes. Possibly Killer Frost and Flash.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
So my initial mains are good (Aquaman, Green Arrow)? Success! Now I want some info on Lex!
He just mentioned that Lex has traps and good setups into grabs on his twitter.

He also said Bane has 3s Chun's low forward!!!!!! A grappler with that strong of a footsies tool? This game is going to be SOOOOO much more footsie heavy than I thought. Great job NRS!