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Hector confirms 24 character roster at launch


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Hector of NRS just mentioned on the Pax East stream here:


He didn't mention anything about secret characters, but that may still be up for debate. He did mention though another confirm on 4 DLC characters in the works.

missing slots on this image:
Hero side- Hawkgirl, Shazam
Villain side- Sinestro, Doomsday, "most likely Ares", "mystery woman on achievement image"(almost 100% that it's Killer Frost)


Tired, But Strong
I'm satisfied with the roster as is, although I don't know if my blue light can douse the rage that is sure to follow by those who've been expecting more.
To be fair, if there are secret characters he wouldn't mention them as part of the initial cast. Imagine he said 26 and you fire up the game to see 24 spots. You know whats coming. He says 24 and 24 show up on the select screen then there is some surprise involved.


There are 22 confirmed

so 2 more "core" characters and then for sure another 4 for DLC (at least)

So its for sure at least 28 chars


I'm telling you guys after Killer Frost and Ares there will be at least 2 unlockables to even out the bottom rows NRS likes even numbers
I also think that there will be at least 3 Secret fights Versus Darkseid, Killer Croc and Gorilla Grodd

I think we will get 30 total Characters


Elder God
Because there's only one villain spot left and it has to be her and we still don't have our ice character.
oh shit thats not what i meant lol

i meant, why are people still calling the last character "mystery woman" instead of Killer Frost. Casue its obviously her
I don't know... because of the FUCKING ICE BLAST IN THE FIRST TRAILER WE EVER SAW!!!! I swear, if that ice blast just turns out to be Green Arrow's ice arrows I'm gonna be so pissed.
Its not like Superman has ice breath or anything.

Anyway, did anyone notice any symbols when the Star Lab missions went by?
Reactions: SLy


oh shit thats not what i meant lol

i meant, why are people still calling the last character "mystery woman" instead of Killer Frost. Casue its obviously her
Oh sorry then. It has to be her. Sad, we aren't getting a Flash villain but I like Killer Frost. She's like Poison Ivy with Ice.