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I never made an introduction thread and I wanna make one so c'est ici. This is gonna be quite long so here's your warning, chump.

I'm Kyle, a.k.a pimpimjim. I'm from Chicagoland and have been a fighting game fan, especially MK, all my life. I remember when I was as young as 2 years old, playing games like MK1, MK2, and Killer Instinct on the SNES/arcade, and frequenting Blockbuster (r.i.p) to rent games and memorize cheat codes for different games and of course, fatalities. People would look at me and think "aww how cute, he's trying to read".. thing is, I actually was.. (UMK3/MKT C. Sub brutality sticks out the most in my head) so fuck you, strangers. I guess I'm grateful that my folks didn't give a shit about what I played as a child.

I joined this site in early 2011 in light of MK9's release, and I realize this site used to be called "Mortal Kombat Empires", which I used to visit from time to time in the MKDC era, but shoutouts to all the OG members of this site. This isn't, however, the first MK site I was a regular in - the first I ever lurked and joined was MK5.org, a.k.a mortalkombatonline.com, when I was like 7 years old. That place was pretty fun, and I remember playing MK Deception for hours trying to find out the "super unlockables" that was everyone hyped about in like 2004. The only time I've ever been more gullible in finding a secret was believing that one April Fool's prank EGM magazine did about Sonic and Tails being in Smash Bros. Melee.. when I finally defeated 20 wireframes in Cruel Melee mode and got nothing, I smashed my fucking disk.

What brought me to join TYM was based on one event: I was on vacation in my home country of the Philippines in 2010, and I was using a luxury hotel spa room computer (lol) when I witnessed the first trailer for the new Mortal Kombat game, and uhh, I was pretty hype. An MK game targeted for competitive players? Count me in! - Especially since the 3D MKs were garbage competitive wise.. so I was like "finally!". I would visit TYM from time to time for updates, and when the demo came out for PSN I would lurk even more, but I didn't join until April of 2011, right around MK9's release. When I bought the game, the first thing I did was go to training mode and try every single character out. I loved Cage in the demo, but he became my secondary and I have been loyal to mr. crimson LK9T(rex)9 Sektor ever since.

In the early months of MK9's life I was strictly an online player. When PSN was down for like a month in... was it May..?, I had nothing to do but finish story mode and mess around in challenge tower a bit. Watching the first tournaments such as Powerup, SCR, NCR, PDP, UFGT, and Evo 2011 made me think as a stream monster "Damn I gotta do this shit". I went on both SRK and TYM and searched the regional forums for local gatherings, and I discovered a little place called Galloping Ghost Arcade. The funny thing is, I didn't actually visit there until early 2012, but the first time I met those guys in person was at a local tourney at another venue in which I got 2nd place, losing to and getting 0-6'ed by Sir Donkey Dizzle Dizzy. (y did medina delete the stream archives?!@!) It was my first tourney for any fighting game ever and needless to say, I had the bitch butterflies in my stomach as I played my matches. Fortunately enough, Team GGA was nice enough to talk to me and tell me to visit the arcade someday for some gucci sessions. If anyone is actually wondering, I have never thought about joining the team and I also don't really know what qualifies to join. (I heard you have to be white)

My first MK "major" was CEO 2012, in which I made top 16 which at the time I considered a fucking disappointment, but then I realized not that many people knew who I was anyways so I proceeded to not give a shit. I was grateful to play casuals with and meet a handful of awesome people like subzerosmokerain, gdf, and beenieweenies. I would continue to train at GGA to gradually level up, and around the time Frosty Faustings at the end of 2012 loomed, I was hoping to make an impact. I would get 4th which I was very happy with, but I was even happier that I got to eat deep dish pizza afterwards basically for free :)

Next week is Final Round, and I'm ready to go 0-2, (jk) body the fuck out of everyone I play, and eat some authentic fried chicken. I am also trying to make several other tournies before MK9 dies such as Toryuken, UFGT, and Evo. Injustice is looking really good right now, and although I am not as hyped up as I was during MK9's reveal, I am hoping to be your future Catwoman of malaysia America.