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So do you think it will be Time Travel, or Alternate Dimensions?


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
From the new video today with Aquaman's alt, we learned that the mystery person Aquaman was talking to in his trailer was actually himself.

So do you think it's because he traveled through time to see himself, or is it an alternate dimension version of himself?


The 6'4 King
Joker being alive again, as well as the alternate outfits being called Alternate Earth in those concept art pictures...

Could VERY well involve time travelling. As long as they don't use it as a cop-out, I'm fine with it.


Tired, But Strong
What they said.

Honestly, all along I've felt that the purple leg might not be anybody significant. Could be Orm, could be just a Atlantean officer/messenger. It's pretty low on my list of meaningful "clues".


Twitter: @xxQUANTUM
Deus ex machina. usually the way things are handled here. could be wrong. if so, I'll be pleasantly surprised.


ҜømbÄŦ Ħøu&Ŧøπ
I like the idea of there being alternate dimensions involved in the story. I really wonder how everything will play out.


Guys, I really doubt he was talking to himself. He said, "I bow to no one" like they were trying to depose him. Why would Aquaman time travel back to take over from himself? My money's still on Ocean Master.


The Masterless Sword
I'm inclined to be that the game will involve Alternate Dimensions. From everything I've seen so far, I think that their kind of doing an updated version of the Justice Lords story from the animated series.


Tired, But Strong
I guess I'll go ahead and say that if either of these were involved in the story, I'd be willing to say that it'd be time travel (likely involving attempting to stop the events leading up to the Regime from ever occurring).

That said, I don't think it'll be the case because that'd... pretty much be MK9 all over again.

Living Corpse

LOL you're right, it would be MK9 XD

Seriously I think all the scenes we see of Joker "alive" are either flashbacks from the past or the game's story mode happens shortly before he is killed by Sups. A Prolog if you will.


Justice 4 Firestorm
Probably his alt palette swapped with a different face model and voice for Ocean Master.

LOL you're right, it would be MK9 XD

Seriously I think all the scenes we see of Joker "alive" are either flashbacks from the past or the game's story mode happens shortly before he is killed by Sups. A Prolog if you will.
But he's seen AFTER the Regime has taken over...


Scary Bat
I made a thread somewhere on here about my Alternate universe theory, but the comic book seems to have largely dispelled those. My original theory had to do with the alternate universe having good bad guys and bad good guys, a lot like The Crime Syndicate of America, and then the League jump in to fight evil versions of themselves etc.

But I doubt it now. Time Travel is interesting though, it would explain why the Joker is alive and why the game's storyline seems to center around The Flash, a lot like Raiden in MK9...


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
Guys, I really doubt he was talking to himself. He said, "I bow to no one" like they were trying to depose him. Why would Aquaman time travel back to take over from himself? My money's still on Ocean Master.
Well, maybe Superman and the Regime do something really terrible to Atlantis after Aquaman's revolt, so future Aquaman travels back in time and tries to get past Aquaman to join the Regime to avoid it happening. And that's what makes past Aquaman say "I bow to no one!"


Well, maybe Superman and the Regime do something really terrible to Atlantis after Aquaman's revolt, so future Aquaman travels back in time and tries to get past Aquaman to join the Regime to avoid it happening. And that's what makes past Aquaman say "I bow to no one!"
Literally grasping at straws.


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
Literally grasping at straws.
Come on, the picture I posted shows that the mystery leg is Aquaman's so I don't think I'm really grasping at anything. My explanation for Aquaman's reaction really isn't that farfetched. Crazier stuff like that happens in comic books all the time.


Tired, But Strong
As many have said, it's not really unthinkable that that sort of finned, aquatic-themed motif would be exclusive to one person in Atlantis.


I'd like to point out that the boots Aquaman wears are golden and not purple like in the trailer pic, meaning they are owned by different people.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
I'm inclined to be that the game will involve Alternate Dimensions. From everything I've seen so far, I think that their kind of doing an updated version of the Justice Lords story from the animated series.
That's why I think hopefully.

I know Supes lost a lot but I still find it hard to believe that he'd turn all super powered dictactor on everyone.."my way or no way"

Leaning towards Time Travel though...except thinking Fate, Raven or someone with huge magical power is the cause of it since nobody in the JL can use time travel since they can't do that. Well, SA Superman can but that was also an amped version of Superman unlike the mainstream version.


Scary Bat
flash can time travel
And the game seems to focus on the Flash, in the first trailer we got it seems primarily from his view point. We've managed to piece together the idea that in the game he's going to be on Supes side and then switch over as he can't live with what the Regime is doing anymore.

Also on the comic book cover he was in the middle as two sides began to fight.