Welp, everyone who said that character in the achievement pic definitely wasn't Raven looks like a dipshit now. That makes me laugh.
Also, NRS completely ruined the design of this character. Like, I really don't see how she got that fuckugly. It makes zero sense and they should be pretty embarrassed. Everyone should get her new 52 alt for free as an apology so nobody gets forced to look at this shit.
I have no fan attachment to this character. Which is good because holy shit if I did I'd be pissed.
I wanted her in solely because her powers/abilities list on Wikipedia seemed interesting and this trailer fails to convey that any of those abilities were implemented in an interesting way. Was really hoping for more of a focus on the Soul Self stuff. I might have missed it in the video, but did this character not have what all sources seem to indicate to me is her main power in most of her media implemented at all? Wow.