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Community Quit Smoking Project


Nightwolf of the galaxy

How have you been doing man? We all know you have a major addiction, we have all seen the obs shows where you smoke 4 packs back to back. We all know that quitting unsuccessful in many cases. If you have slipped up we will ALL UNDERSTAND (right every one???) But you gotta let us know so we can better help you out! It is a day to day battle, and I would love to see day to day updates.

I am going to upload a small, but I think will be very meaningful support video for you right now.



Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
so i cou;ldnt find were to get those vap ones locally but i did find a local shop me that stocks the e-cigs things.
one of the lads at casuals bought one to show me them, there mad. the light at the end is well weird looking

so over next week or so im going to cut it down before trying to switch to the e-cig and see how that goes.
im just trying to think of it as "new tech" lol


Kneel before me
Great idea!!! I am going to quit smoking right now. I have tried many times to quit but i have a hard time making it to the next day. Its very hard for me to do but im going to try my hardest....I am on the path to a healthier life wish me luck :)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
so my first e-cig just ran out on me there, got to say, i was suprized on how good they are.
got the 16mg one,the led flashes when it empty which i found funny.
think they will be very helpfull in getting down to 0 tobacco, going to get another one in the morn.


Dojo Trainee
I don't smoke, but i've definitely struggled with being addicted to things. If anyone wants a listening ear - please message me!

DJ L Toro

so my first e-cig just ran out on me there, got to say, i was suprized on how good they are.
got the 16mg one,the led flashes when it empty which i found funny.
think they will be very helpfull in getting down to 0 tobacco, going to get another one in the morn.
A pack is now lasting me approximately 3 days! Might start taking a pill to stop completely.

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oh wow, i didnt know jamessmk was doing this

coincidentally, the last time i smoked was with jamessmk during winter brawl, haha
How're y'all doing on this?
1man, Ecigs still working for you?
GnG You make it down to Zero?
Flava, james seems to be smoking again, but way less than before. is it still true that you haven't smoked since WB?

Great idea!!! I am going to quit smoking right now. I have tried many times to quit but i have a hard time making it to the next day. Its very hard for me to do but im going to try my hardest....I am on the path to a healthier life wish me luck :)
How're you holding up? We all believe in you :)


Alpha Tarkatan - Moderator
How're y'all doing on this?
1man, Ecigs still working for you?
GnG You make it down to Zero?
Flava, james seems to be smoking again, but way less than before. is it still true that you haven't smoked since WB?

How're you holding up? We all believe in you :)
yep still on the nicolite ecigs, only problem im really running into is the brand im using is only sold in 1 shop in my town, bit annoying as shop closes at 6pm :/ also old people on trains look at me like a scumbag cause they think im smoking real cig which still funny to me lol
have noticed so much improvment in my lungs and when i run,so glad tried it out

DJ L Toro

yep still on the nicolite ecigs, only problem im really running into is the brand im using is only sold in 1 shop in my town, bit annoying as shop closes at 6pm :/ also old people on trains look at me like a scumbag cause they think im smoking real cig which still funny to me lol
have noticed so much improvment in my lungs and when i run,so glad tried it out
That's awesome man. LOL old people on trains.


Element of Sweetness
I'm currently at a pack a day and I sincerely would not wish this addiction upon anyone. I'm currently trying to convert to ecigs but Id much rather quit all together. Cold turkey usually only lasts about a week tops. :(

Ecigs have helped drop down from a whole pack to just 10 a day. Considering I'm still smoking the Ecig I'm not sure I should be proud though.

DJ L Toro

I'm currently at a pack a day and I sincerely would not wish this addiction upon anyone. I'm currently trying to convert to ecigs but Id much rather quit all together. Cold turkey usually only lasts about a week tops. :(

Ecigs have helped drop down from a whole pack to just 10 a day. Considering I'm still smoking the Ecig I'm not sure I should be proud though.
We believe in you!
try getting yourself down to just ecig, and then try lowering your ecig use. Remember, cigarettes contain a lot worse toxins than ecigs, so using an ecig more than cigarettes isnt a bad step.
Also, remember that if you quit and then you cave and smoke one it's not over, keep trying to quit.
You can do it.


Element of Sweetness
We believe in you!
try getting yourself down to just ecig, and then try lowering your ecig use. Remember, cigarettes contain a lot worse toxins than ecigs, so using an ecig more than cigarettes isnt a bad step.
Also, remember that if you quit and then you cave and smoke one it's not over, keep trying to quit.
You can do it.
That's probably one of the issues I struggle most with. As soon as I cave and have just one I feel like a failure so I give up all together. I will keep trying though. I no longer want this habit. I refuse to be a slave to it forever.

DJ L Toro

That's probably one of the issues I struggle most with. As soon as I cave and have just one I feel like a failure so I give up all together. I will keep trying though. I no longer want this habit. I refuse to be a slave to it forever.
You can do it. By design they are made for you to feel like you need them, but you dont.