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After reading Pig's recent thread i felt i had to post this


King of the Jobbers 2015
Digi is cool. The way this community treated him wasn't.
I remember, back in mid 2011, when I bodied him online and berated me for 15 minutes on stream.
Then it was all fun and games, until he decided to be constantly a bitch, every single time, bitching bitching moaning and bitching.
He refused to learn the basic mechanics of the game, he even said he didn't need frame data, and he complains that this game isn't like other games, and that he doesn't understand it.
He made himself a target, over and over again. I was there from the beginning and I was there at the end. He treated the community like ass, and the community responded.

Shout outs to randoms not knowing digi, yet still voicing their opinion in this and in the other thread.



Salmon. Otters. The Bringer.
I love Angry Joe. He's a fantastic voice in the general gaming community... but he's kind of clueless when it comes to fighting games. His criticisms of Vanilla Marvel 3 were really shallow (he was right about somethings, but for the most part, his review was unfair and just wrong-minded). The guy doesn't understand what makes a good fighting game.


Neutral Skipper
I absolutely fucking love Angry Joe. No idea why he didn't know that MK was going to be a competitive fighter (especially since NRS had mentioned it God knows how many times), but he is freaking awesome.


Neutral Skipper
I love Angry Joe. He's a fantastic voice in the general gaming community... but he's kind of clueless when it comes to fighting games. His criticisms of Vanilla Marvel 3 were really shallow (he was right about somethings, but for the most part, his review was unfair and just wrong-minded). The guy doesn't understand what makes a good fighting game.
He was just saying that he didn't think it was worth the full price (which it kind of wasn't). He said the fighting was excellent but just arcade mode and online play with a shitty netcode isn't worth $60.


Salmon. Otters. The Bringer.
He was just saying that he didn't think it was worth the full price (which it kind of wasn't). He said the fighting was excellent but just arcade mode and online play with a shitty netcode isn't worth $60.
It's a fighting game. It's only worth as much you invest yourself in it. Judging MvC3 as a fighting game, it's absolutely worth full price. To this day, no gameplay engine has been as open as Marvel 3's, and people are still discovering new things even in Vanilla MvC3. Sure, it's not worth full price if you don't become proficient with the mechanics. I mean, golf clubs aren't worth full price if you don't golf.

You can't judge a fighting game based on features that won't be relevant after a month. I love MK9's story mode, but it was an added bonus at best.
It's a fighting game. It's only worth as much you invest yourself in it. Judging MvC3 as a fighting game, it's absolutely worth full price. To this day, no gameplay engine has been as open as Marvel 3's, and people are still discovering new things even in Vanilla MvC3. Sure, it's not worth full price if you don't become proficient with the mechanics. I mean, golf clubs aren't worth full price if you don't golf.

You can't judge a fighting game based on features that won't be relevant after a month. I love MK9's story mode, but it was an added bonus at best.
Online is relevant after a month and it's awful.
It's a fighting game. It's only worth as much you invest yourself in it. Judging MvC3 as a fighting game, it's absolutely worth full price. To this day, no gameplay engine has been as open as Marvel 3's, and people are still discovering new things even in Vanilla MvC3. Sure, it's not worth full price if you don't become proficient with the mechanics. I mean, golf clubs aren't worth full price if you don't golf.

You can't judge a fighting game based on features that won't be relevant after a month. I love MK9's story mode, but it was an added bonus at best.
Temp, my overall response to most of what youve said is this

You have to look at games, at least how angry joe did, outside of just the competitive scene aswell sometimes. In the FGC, yea MvC definitely has its heading in followers. But to a general, casual consensus MK as an entire game gives more to the player and is worth the full purchase price as he said.

I perfectly agree with almost everything he had to say about MvC because in all honesty, he was right. Btw he even clarified at the end of his MvC review that he recommended the game to those who were already fans which usually means most of what is already the FGC from like MvC2 and what not. That aside, MvC does only give the bare minimum of what should already be expected in a fighting game which is good/fun fighting. But now adays 60 dollars to some people is more than just that.
And to clarify to avoid any possible bias accusations, I have purchased and played both MvC3 and UMvC3 quite extensively.

Both games caught my interest mostly because of the inclusion of DMC characters. With ultimate it was Vergil and the fact that Vanilla Mvc3 was just fun to play as a fighting game fanatic


Salmon. Otters. The Bringer.
Temp, my overall response to most of what youve said is this

You have to look at games, at least how angry joe did, outside of just the competitive scene aswell sometimes. In the FGC, yea MvC definitely has its heading in followers. But to a general, casual consensus MK as an entire game gives more to the player and is worth the full purchase price as he said.
All that extra stuff that supposedly makes MK better is irrelevant after eight hours of gameplay, and it's quality is HIGHLY debatable. Aside from a few missions, the Challenge Tower is predominately filler, and most people do not bother with the other "Test your..." modes.

I perfectly agree with almost everything he had to say about MvC because in all honesty, he was right.
He said Easy Mode was bad design because it gave beginners an unfair advantage over experts. To say that doesn't mean Joe is coming from a different perspective; it means he doesn't understand fighting games. That's not true no matter what your skill level is. He complained that the controls were different, but gives NO justification why the original button scheme was better.

And the worst part? He called the developers lazy regarding the story mode. He said they "forgot" to include these features. Balancing games costs LOTS of money, and LOTS of time... and he treated the game as a cash grab. That's ignorance, dude. He's not a bad reviewer. He just doesn't get it. I'm not even going to go into his butthurt roster criticisms.

Honestly, I like Joe a lot. He puts out solid analysis and does so consistently. And he's right about a lot of things. Many of the endings DIDN'T make any sense. But if they did, would you have played the game for another ten hours?
All that extra stuff that supposedly makes MK better is irrelevant after eight hours of gameplay, and it's quality is HIGHLY debatable. Aside from a few missions, the Challenge Tower is predominately filler, and most people do not bother with the other "Test your..." modes.

He said Easy Mode was bad design because it gave beginners an unfair advantage over experts. To say that doesn't mean Joe is coming from a different perspective; it means he doesn't understand fighting games. That's not true no matter what your skill level is. He complained that the controls were different, but gives NO justification why the original button scheme was better.

And the worst part? He called the developers lazy regarding the story mode. He said they "forgot" to include these features. Balancing games costs LOTS of money, and LOTS of time... and he treated the game as a cash grab. That's ignorance, dude. He's not a bad reviewer. He just doesn't get it. I'm not even going to go into his butthurt roster criticisms.

Honestly, I like Joe a lot. He puts out solid analysis and does so consistently. And he's right about a lot of things. Many of the endings DIDN'T make any sense. But if they did, would you have played the game for another ten hours?
I can safely say that someone who isnt a hardcore fighter like most of the FGC but is still a casual gamer looking to achieve and complete tasks in a decently put together game could easily find Mk worth their money. Like i said, to us, people in the FGC all that other stuff may seem irrelevant but to others its a nice getaway from the simple win two rounds and advance.

And when it comes to Capcom, i wouldnt exactly try using money as an excuse considering they make ASSLOADS of it. In fact thats usually the reason why most of their recent games have the issues they do. Because Capcoms name is plastered on the game, they pretty much figure people will spend the money anyway, which is sadly true more than half the time. Joe understood MvC was great, to those who were fans of the franchise and were on a higher level of skill. Which he also addressed when talking about the beginner mode. He understands that high level players can easily overcome someone who would be trying to abuse the beginner mode but again, hes speaking from more so a casual level.

On a small side note, I would definitely agree that Capcom got lazy with the story mode considering theyve done better in the past with other games and they definitely have enough money to make room for effort. As an Arcade Fighter, its solid. But the game as a whole, is most definitely lacking.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Glass_Sword Robotic Shark Chicago_Royal Look all I'm going to say about MK9 is this game had the potential to be great. If NRS would've taken the time to do one more patch, this game could've been in the top 3 fighting games of the FGC easily. Instead they left it unfinished, and the result is the game we have today. I have no problem with MK9 and I do think it is actually good, but with the balancing issues and all the unfixed glitches along with unpatchable bugs, it ultimately overall just isn't as good as other fighters which in comparison make this game look awful.


Capcom have been lazy lately, releasing bare bones games and thinking that if they simply slap Capcom and Ryu on the front, the game will sell.

However, they do patch their games on a regular basis. MK 9 is never getting another patch which is a massive shame and I dont understand why. But aw well.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Capcom have been lazy lately, releasing bare bones games and thinking that if they simply slap Capcom and Ryu on the front, the game will sell.

However, they do patch their games on a regular basis. MK 9 is never getting another patch which is a massive shame and I dont understand why. But aw well.
At least they get shit right when they patch their games. SFxT 2013 is supposed to be godlike, I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet so idk personally. I agree with you though they throw out craziness then patch it up later. It really is a shame because the game seriously only needed one more patch, and it could've been fantastic.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
MK9 is the most enjoyable video game experience ive ever played in my life

Ive played video games since i was 4 and am 31 now

Ive played every classic possibly you can name and never had a game ive played for 2-3 years and counting that sometimes paid me back and introduced me to a huge group and community of people w simliar interests.

I didnt get that from playing FF7, mario, Zeldas, etc but i enjoyed the hell out of those games but no game in terms of the game itself combined with the overall experiences Ive had w it and its community comes close ever

Also i never watch any tourneys of any other games but watching mk tourneys is exciting like football, watching someone playthrough a single player game is boring

my .2 cents


At least they get shit right when they patch their games. SFxT 2013 is supposed to be godlike, I haven't gotten a chance to play it yet so idk personally. I agree with you though they throw out craziness then patch it up later. It really is a shame because the game seriously only needed one more patch, and it could've been fantastic.
Well the rumour goes, the game was patched way too early, which was fair enough, I mean Baraka had some BS chop chop infinite....but the thing is, there are still a couple of infinites in the game, Smoke, Cyrax and Jax amongst other broken stuff. This game sold more copies in the West than even SSF IV so it cant be a financial thing not patching this. The truth is, NRS dont care about this game now. It was a huge success for them and WB, which went on to set the boundries for IGAU which is the primary focus. I've gotten a bit bored of MK now, I dont even watch the pro streams anymore so here's hoping Injustice is way more balanced game.

I agree, one more patch could have made it perfect. Aw well.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
MK9 is the most enjoyable video game experience ive ever played in my life

Ive played video games since i was 4 and am 31 now

Ive played every classic possibly you can name and never had a game ive played for 2-3 years and counting that sometimes paid me back and introduced me to a huge group and community of people w simliar interests.

I didnt get that from playing FF7, mario, Zeldas, etc but i enjoyed the hell out of those games but no game in terms of the game itself combined with the overall experiences Ive had w it and its community comes close ever

Also i never watch any tourneys of any other games but watching mk tourneys is exciting like football, watching someone playthrough a single player game is boring

my .2 cents
I agree with you for the most part on that, except I would just generalize it to fighting games in general. I really have nothing against MK9, otherwise I wouldn't still play it, but I just feel it could've been a lot better and a lot more fun for me if just a tad bit more was done with fixing it. The experience at tournaments is absolutely awesome though there are not many things in the world that I enjoy more than attending FGC tournies. If I'm going to be honest and unbiased though there are just games out there that are better. Even though it doesn't really get the tournament numbers and it isn't the most popular, tbh Skullgirls is one of the most in depth, balanced, and well made fighters I have ever seen. There are so many amazing things about that game it blew my mind, and I'm honestly probably about to pick it up very soon, like tomorrow soon lol. However I do respect your opinion on it though as well as everyone else's and can see where you are coming from, I personally think there are just better games out there and I also think Injustice will be better in the end because it seems to me like NRS is putting way more effort into it than they did MK9 and I can't wait for the release.


Really likes to throw things at you.
I agree with you for the most part on that, except I would just generalize it to fighting games in general. I really have nothing against MK9, otherwise I wouldn't still play it, but I just feel it could've been a lot better and a lot more fun for me if just a tad bit more was done with fixing it. The experience at tournaments is absolutely awesome though there are not many things in the world that I enjoy more than attending FGC tournies. If I'm going to be honest and unbiased though there are just games out there that are better. Even though it doesn't really get the tournament numbers and it isn't the most popular, tbh Skullgirls is one of the most in depth, balanced, and well made fighters I have ever seen. There are so many amazing things about that game it blew my mind, and I'm honestly probably about to pick it up very soon, like tomorrow soon lol. However I do respect your opinion on it though as well as everyone else's and can see where you are coming from, I personally think there are just better games out there and I also think Injustice will be better in the end because it seems to me like NRS is putting way more effort into it than they did MK9 and I can't wait for the release.
SkullGirls makes MK9 look lol when it comes to balance... however MK9 as a whole is more fun to play. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the online experiance is what killed it for a lot of MK casual players. Without the time or desire to track down local players (who they may not like/get along with at ALL....my scene just happens to have pretty chill people in it) people were turned off from the BS that goes on in the underwater world that is the GameSpy servers. Aside for getting my shit pushed in from Kabal, I have a fun time with MK9.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
SkullGirls makes MK9 look lol when it comes to balance... however MK9 as a whole is more fun to play. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that the online experiance is what killed it for a lot of MK casual players. Without the time or desire to track down local players (who they may not like/get along with at ALL....my scene just happens to have pretty chill people in it) people were turned off from the BS that goes on in the underwater world that is the GameSpy servers. Aside for getting my shit pushed in from Kabal, I have a fun time with MK9.
yea a 5-5 all balanced game dies quickly imo


Really likes to throw things at you.
yea a 5-5 all balanced game dies quickly imo
Totally. Everybody likes tiers... shit people were making tier lists for MK day 1... hell the guide put out the most retarded tier list I have ever seen... Without perks and managable draw backs at the character selection screen half the mind games are taken out... that being said, 8-2 and up MU's are bullshit.
Lol skullgirls is NOT balance
It's a fair game because everyones broke as fuck just like marvel
watch Mike Z, the creator and one of the top players of this game, get absolutely destroyed by this garbage lol


Playing: Injustice, Persona, Blazblue, and MK

I was actually planning on maining Valentine/Peacock. I think i'm gonna switch that team around. LOL

And man, does this game have any anti zoning? Or teleports? or any way to approach that shit? XD