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My Kung Fu is Strongest!

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook

I've mastered Reptile , Sub , Raiden , Lao , Cyrax , Mileena and Jax but these are chars I actually play a lot. I don't even think I have mastered the blood spills for Sindel nor Sheeva. srsly, FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK DAT.

If it weren't for this achievement I'd have 100%ed this game.

G4S Ermacio

Orbs... Orbs everywhere
Just got this achievement like 10 minutes ago....... Finally, after almost 2 years of playing this game I finally got this achievement! Injustice damn near almost came out by the time I finally got this, and I play this game kinda alot.

This seriously is like one of the most retarded achievements ever made in gaming history. 24 hours played with every single character? The fuck outta here lol

Does anyone else have this achievement?
I think i was close at one point but got a new Xbox part way through so I'm not ready close anymore lol

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1 2 3 drink
I only have with like 8 characters. I can't see myself play 24 hours with sheeva or kano so i probably never achieve it.


Whisper within a sigh
Training mode works. Leave the console on for X hours but before you quit back to menu remember to hit the opponent once or it won't register.

Don't quote me on this since I haven't done it personally, but I believe that's how it works.
Congratulations on this achievement, King. I haven't even gotten "My Kung Fu is Strong".....though I was only four Fatalities away from it.

Kratos would've been the fighter that led to my acquisition of "My Kung Fu is Strong".
62 hours and 45 minutes spent playing as Kratos on the PS3. (Not counting the time spent on MK9 PSV)


"I have good taste because I like what I like"
That's 32 days worth of practice, not to mention with terrible characters...

You deserve the shit out of that achievement my man, lol.


Yep, Practice mode works ONLY for the 24 thing. Everything else has to be done in any other mode. I did have a couple where I accidentally quit out without hitting my opponent and it still registered, but I tried to remember to do it anyway just in case.

Funny thing is, I boosted all the timers and then gave up. I'm not even sure who I have left to do and the hard part is already done :p


Whisper within a sigh
A friend of mine used this method to boost the timers. 4 characters in, his PS3 died LOL. It's not worth it IMO.



I literally thought it wasn't possible...that's dedication. But now that i think of it, i did get Cyrax's mastery fairly quickly so i can imagine someone doing it with the whole cast.

But goddamn that's a lot of time, a minimum of 552 hours if CSZ counts, 576 if kratos counts and 672 if you count the DLC chars. And that's without counting the characters which you have more than 24 hours.

Again, that's a loooooooot of time. Props, major props to you sir! This should be front paged!

The DLC characters and Kratos don't count, CSZ does tho haha


I'm lucky that randomly a week ago I was like hey, I have everyone mastered except for like 3 characters. It would be pretty unfortunate if my game data just happened to delete itself, I've heard people saying that happens all the time. So I saved my MK9 game data onto a memory card.

And than a couple days later you know what? My whole memory got deleted! I didn't have Quan or CSZ, I didn't have any alternate costumes, and everything in the Necropolis was reset. I would have probably cried if I didn't randomly think to save everything to my memory card like a week ago, I probably would have never played MK again lol
I was pretty let down when I 100%d the game and there was no additional reward. Like u said, that was one of the most retarded achievements in gaming history.


I have like over 5000 games won with Kung Lao lol. And like over 100 hours played with him

I'm probably the best one out there


Positive Poster!
The question is whether you pulled this legit by not even realizing it or just went for it hardcore.
Former is more awesome than the latter.

Mt. Mutombo

Asshole by nature
Just checked...since last i played and note my file at some point got corrupted and died. Cyrax was at 95 hours followed by Sub at 38 and Ermac at 27.

TBH i wouldn't do 3 hours of NW or Sheeva. lmao


The question is whether you pulled this legit by not even realizing it or just went for it hardcore.
Former is more awesome than the latter.
Kind of both. I just played the game normally at first, and I use pretty much the whole cast so I got alot of them done just by playing daily. Then when I noticed I was getting kind of close, I was like man I could actually get this achievement with a little time. Than I kinda started going hardcore I guess lol


Positive Poster!
Kind of both. I just played the game normally at first, and I use pretty much the whole cast so I got alot of them done just by playing daily. Then when I noticed I was getting kind of close, I was like man I could actually get this achievement with a little time. Than I kinda started going hardcore I guess lol
Makes sense. I was a loyalist back when I played MK9. Now with my 3d fighters, I'm more into understanding the big picture. In hindsight I should have just learned everybody and counterpicked like every dick does online.
Then again 3d fighters have a better netcode and are more viable for online practise - but I'm not going there. I know this opinion is thin ice so I'll just chalk it up as an opinion.