Most humble shit talker ever!!!
First of all im sorry for posting an ares thread straight after an Ares thread, this one
I already gave a small theory of why i would in there, but with TY'Ms usuall friendly debates things go unseen haha its the charm of this site
in anyway the reason i think Ares is a boss?
is because 2 small Reasons
1. He Has the NRS greek god look
2.he's the "God of War", hense the word "GOD" in the titles and they did say in earlier interviews when asked about the game is to look at the title "Gods Among Us" and WW being heavily by Supermans side shows she has a more dominant role than we think
Now, this is where it shines, i know that alone is not enough to go off, but then i thought about if he was how could he play, which convinced me more
His power is super Strength, Super Amour, ability to summing his own dead army (NRS much) , and the key ability, ,,,ability to manipulate any weapon (say it wouldn't be a stretch to make him manipulate any object) anything can be a weapon they say
so in saying that think about it
NRS's biggest Emphasis is on what? Using the Stage as a "Weapon" a third Character they said.
so imagine a Final Boss Stage full off Objects, Hazards, Traps, Tricks and Powerful Weapons/items all over it. and Ares has full control over all these without moving a muscle
I dont mean like how Superman can lift up a Car, like where Superman has to touch the car, no, i mean as if Ares uses the stage with telekinesis, and matching his extreme super power and armor he make one hell of a boss
imagine fighting ares as one of the boss's and you have to watch everywhere you step, everywhere he steps, every single thing around you, one false move your gone, like for a quick example you stand close to him he Shao Khans your ass, you move back and a he commands a statue behind to attack you that you thought was just a regular stage item , you stand near a cell door with a Skeletons hand hanging out off it all off a sudden grabs you,,,,,
Not very good examples i know but hopefully you get my drift
and then think about the more you damage him the more he changes the stage around to his liking and setting up deadly traps like a big split in the ground that if you fall into your dead
and thats where you have the Power and Gadget chars play differently
the Power chars has to destroy these Weapons/Items,
and the Gadget have to used them to their advantage on the right very strict timing
If so, will this stage be playable, i say it wont and be like Boss chars in MK, i guess the stage is only playable against Ares.
So what do you think? at first i thought it was Tregon, but the more i think, it might be Ares, although they do say GOD'S with a Plural so let me know your thought after reading, and please read it fully its annoying when people read the first paragraph and then jump to assumption and comment . trouble to understand something in my awkward way of explaining things tell me and i try to elaborate more effectively.
sorry for the long crazy theorys again
I already gave a small theory of why i would in there, but with TY'Ms usuall friendly debates things go unseen haha its the charm of this site
in anyway the reason i think Ares is a boss?
is because 2 small Reasons
1. He Has the NRS greek god look
2.he's the "God of War", hense the word "GOD" in the titles and they did say in earlier interviews when asked about the game is to look at the title "Gods Among Us" and WW being heavily by Supermans side shows she has a more dominant role than we think
Now, this is where it shines, i know that alone is not enough to go off, but then i thought about if he was how could he play, which convinced me more
His power is super Strength, Super Amour, ability to summing his own dead army (NRS much) , and the key ability, ,,,ability to manipulate any weapon (say it wouldn't be a stretch to make him manipulate any object) anything can be a weapon they say
so in saying that think about it
NRS's biggest Emphasis is on what? Using the Stage as a "Weapon" a third Character they said.
so imagine a Final Boss Stage full off Objects, Hazards, Traps, Tricks and Powerful Weapons/items all over it. and Ares has full control over all these without moving a muscle
I dont mean like how Superman can lift up a Car, like where Superman has to touch the car, no, i mean as if Ares uses the stage with telekinesis, and matching his extreme super power and armor he make one hell of a boss
imagine fighting ares as one of the boss's and you have to watch everywhere you step, everywhere he steps, every single thing around you, one false move your gone, like for a quick example you stand close to him he Shao Khans your ass, you move back and a he commands a statue behind to attack you that you thought was just a regular stage item , you stand near a cell door with a Skeletons hand hanging out off it all off a sudden grabs you,,,,,
Not very good examples i know but hopefully you get my drift
and then think about the more you damage him the more he changes the stage around to his liking and setting up deadly traps like a big split in the ground that if you fall into your dead
and thats where you have the Power and Gadget chars play differently
the Power chars has to destroy these Weapons/Items,
and the Gadget have to used them to their advantage on the right very strict timing
If so, will this stage be playable, i say it wont and be like Boss chars in MK, i guess the stage is only playable against Ares.
So what do you think? at first i thought it was Tregon, but the more i think, it might be Ares, although they do say GOD'S with a Plural so let me know your thought after reading, and please read it fully its annoying when people read the first paragraph and then jump to assumption and comment . trouble to understand something in my awkward way of explaining things tell me and i try to elaborate more effectively.
sorry for the long crazy theorys again