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Let's stop this Online vs Offline BS Right now. MKC pls (BibleThump)

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
I think the main issue here, unless I am mistaken is online ONLY players getting their feelings hurt when offline players say their MU numbers are invalid. The game online is a shell of what it is offline. Yes, you can become a top player from training online like CURBOLICOUS and xKhaoTikx etc but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to real MU numbers. MU numbers are based off of frame data with no lag and matches being played at the highest level to the frame. If everyone could just jump out of frame traps like they do online, certain characters wouldn't be as good as they actually are offline. When a player like Pig Of The Hut is giving a match up number, he's giving it based off of playing the game at the highest level offline even though he trains online all the time. (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong here pig lol.)
Online being shit is just the surface of the issue here. The real problem is certain players having a lot of pride in their skills from online play, CONVINCING themselves that they play the game AS THOUGH IT WAS OFFLINE in an ONLINE setting, and believing they fully understand the differences between online and offline without ever playing the latter. Mind you, there are, obviously, several legit online players who really do grasp the mechanics of the game, but when you name people like CURBOLICOUS, F0xy, or FOREVER KING, you can't help but easily distinguish them from other online players because, surprise, they are among the highest ranked on XBL with thousands upon thousands of wins.

There are so many players who really don't know what the fuck they are talking about, and it's really not their fault at all. These are the same people who make oodles of excuses from consistently losing in online matches, and act like offline would make a huge difference. You know, because they "play as though it is offline." I mean, it might. But LBSH, probably not if you're consistently losing because "online is garbage," yet it's all you play.

This all conflicts with MU discussions because theory fighting becomes imminent, offline players get annoyed, online players start arguing with people who have actually made impact in tournaments, and then the same online players get upset and feel they are treated unfairly.

Soul Bound X

Dojo Trainee
Online being shit is just the surface of the issue here. The real problem is certain players having a lot of pride in their skills from online play, CONVINCING themselves that they play the game AS THOUGH IT WAS OFFLINE in an ONLINE setting, and believing they fully understand the differences between online and offline without ever playing the latter. Mind you, there are, obviously, several legit online players who really do grasp the mechanics of the game, but when you name people like CURBOLICOUS, F0xy, or FOREVER KING, you can't help but easily distinguish them from other online players because, surprise, they are among the highest ranked on XBL with thousands upon thousands of wins.

There are so many players who really don't know what the fuck they are talking about, and it's really not their fault at all. These are the same people who make oodles of excuses from consistently losing in online matches, and act like offline would make a huge difference. You know, because they "play as though it is offline." I mean, it might. But LBSH, probably not if you're consistently losing because "online is garbage," yet it's all you play.

This all conflicts with MU discussions because theory fighting becomes imminent, offline players get annoyed, online players start arguing with people who have actually made impact in tournaments, and then the same online players get upset and feel they are treated unfairly.
yeah but who really takes those people who dont know what they are talking about seriously

Soul Bound X

Dojo Trainee
People wouldn't be so salty if the game wasn't utter shit.
MK9 is broken like the other MK games with at least one 10-0 matchup.
Who cares? Injustice is coming and they claim they learned from their mistakes!

Please ... teach those people this attitude.
All the horribly self-satisfied forum-trolling I'mAPro's need to learn this.
lol soooo true. this game is shit. its so broken. but its mortal kombat and we all cant help but love it.

Gesture Required Ahead

Get on that hook
>is online player
>went to 1 tournament
>barely paid anything
>still feels guilty
>never going again
>stays online 5evr
>lik if u crai evry taim.

btw, +1 on BibleThump AKA Isaac's head
Reactions: Jer


The Ignore Button Is Free
Do you just back up after b32 and the smokebomb whiffs?
its character dependent. some can just back up, some have to back dash, some cant do neither. Everyone can just jump out of it tho and full combo punish with jip

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Let's be serious here, everyone knows there are GREAT online players just as there are GREAT offline players. I've never heard one person say that because someone plays online they are free. Even though on some "shows" this is proclaimed to be truth. Just because someone plays online doesn't make them ass just like if someone goes to tournaments, it doesn't mean they are godlike (See yours truly, except 9th at winter brawl hold that shit.)

I think the main issue here, unless I am mistaken is online ONLY players getting their feelings hurt when offline players say their MU numbers are invalid. The game online is a shell of what it is offline. Yes, you can become a top player from training online like CURBOLICOUS and xKhaoTikx etc but that doesn't mean anything when it comes to real MU numbers. MU numbers are based off of frame data with no lag and matches being played at the highest level to the frame. If everyone could just jump out of frame traps like they do online, certain characters wouldn't be as good as they actually are offline. When a player like Pig Of The Hut is giving a match up number, he's giving it based off of playing the game at the highest level offline even though he trains online all the time. (feel free to correct me if i'm wrong here pig lol.)

Another thing, which I just witnessed today. If you've never been to an offline tournament you have NO right to diminish anyone's accomplishments offline. They earned that right by paying for transportation, hotel fee, registration fee, and practice. The fact is you could be the most godlike online player but if you've never won a match offline, then don't criticize someone who actually has. There is a world of difference playing in your living room and playing face to face with a player offline.

Basically what i'm saying here is that great players play online and offline. One of the coolest things to me is when an online only player starts joining the offline community. It adds another skilled player to the talent pool and adds intrigue and drama to the scene. I think more online players joining the offline scene is what could really keep this game going for a long time.