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Sincere Apology


Blue Blurs for Life!
Cutting right to the point.

I know I got a lot of people's hopes up when they tuned in to my stream to watch the ongoing clan war between the Crazy 88's and ESP on March 9 (last Saturday). Then when I tried to leave the chat to get to my match, my console chose that inconvenient time to freeze. -_-

To add insult to injury, I knew I would need to turn off my Roxio since leaving the game would deprive it of its signal and therefore kill the stream, but when I went to do that, the device shut down on me for the night and wouldn't reactivate until the following day, which pretty much left me with no choice but to call the stream off for the night. I don't need to express how much this annoyed me as I'm sure it did you guys.

I deeply apologize for the sake of those who were disappointed and/or upset, maybe even felt stood up by what some would perceive to be a "prank." But I strongly assure you, there was no stand-up. When it comes to my streaming, I take it ultra-seriously and work to ensure everyone is enjoying what is being presented. Never would I dream of toying with anyone's minds like that.

There's a silver lining to this cloud, however. In case any of you missed the below thread...


...the war never happened. Long story short: it was called off due to confusion from both sides and now we are in the process of deciding whether ESP should be DQ'ed on a technicality, or if we should proceed with a reschedule within our one-week deadline set forth by the organizer. Personally, I vote for the reschedule, as I'm sure some of us don't fancy the idea of taking a win with no strings attached.

So you missed nothing whatsoever after the stream surrendered for the night. When this reschedule gets worked out, I'll be there with guns blazing and my equipment working again. That's a promise.

As you all were.


Blue Blurs for Life!
Just bustin your ballz
LOL, I know, but I did see an Elgato in action and was deeply impressed. Why did Roxio have to come to mind first?!

Though to be fair, these occasional failures in its program go away very quickly with no problems, so it's tolerable.


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
LOL, I know, but I did see an Elgato in action and was deeply impressed. Why did Roxio have to come to mind first?!

Though to be fair, these occasional failures in its program go away very quickly with no problems, so it's tolerable.
The software is so great for the Elgato, and I just love that it is powered through the USB. I just have it on top of my computer tower tucked beneath my desk and I literally never even see it.