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Non-Comic Fans...


I'm planning on getting comics when this game drops to get into the DC Universe, I don't know where to start though. ;_;
Wonder woman's the best dc comic right now imo. Check out the comic book thread for more opinions.
I've never read or got into any comics before, though I've never had anything against them. The main appeal of this game to me is that it's from the team that made MK9. Even though my time with MK9 was very short-lived, I absolutely loved it and am really hoping that NRS can do it again, and do it better with this game.

Ha ha, Dale Gribble is the man.


I used to be a comic fan but I don't know that I buy enough to call myself that any more. I know that DC has the New 52 going on but I really don't have much insight into DC beyond that. I used to read a lot of comics but it got expensive so I dropped them. I was OK w/ the price at $2.99 but I feel $3.99 for a comic is awful. I make a decent income at this point in my life but now I refuse to buy comics until the story-line is collected as a trade and, even then, only if it got stellar reviews....I only buy about one or two trades a year.

W/ Injustice I'm just hoping to re-create some of the comic imagination and fun from back when I was big into some of these characters. I don't have time to practice much so I'll never play at a tournament-level. I just want to develop enough skill to not get owned every time try out online play and to just generally have fun w/ the characters and environments.


Filthy Casual
I got in to comics through kickass, I don't follow comics though, but every now and then I will read them. If injustice makes you want to read them I would start with any of The New 52.


I got in to comics through kickass, I don't follow comics though, but every now and then I will read them.
Kick-Ass, you say? :-O
If you're interested in comics like that, check out:

1. Absolution
2. The Strange Talent of Luther Strode
3. The Legend of Luther Strode (on-going)
4. Invincible (almost like Dragonball Z)


Sarif Industries: Private Security Officer
I watched the Batman and Superman animated series when I was super young and watch Justice League and Teen Titans. They were always some of my favorite shows and without really noticing I guess I became a big Batman and Superman fan.

I knew a good amount about the DC universe before this game, but my obsession with the release on April 16th has made me research a bunch of shit I would of never known about. So I really think this will get alot more people into the DC universe in general if they feel the hype we are feeling when this is actually released.

Overall, LOVED Xmen, but besides that I think Marvel is really overrated. I don't see how anyone could like the Avengers over the Justice League. It's no contest in my eyes.

But honestly when it comes down to it, I'm here because this game looks so damn promising in the competitive aspect. The more I learn about it the more impressed I get. I seriously can't wait for the FGC to dig into this.
This post sums up my feelings nicely.