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Most Powerful Character (1-on-1)


Scary Bat
Alright, so let us find out who is the most powerful DC character.

Rules are simple, make you case (make sure you refer to which incarnation of the character as well as some versions vary in power/awesome). The argument is that your character could take on anyone else in the DC universe and win.

I'm going to go with Superboy Prime (before he got nerfed). He literally takes on every hero at the same time and even though he is eventually defeated/brought down it takes everyone to do it, I can't think of many who could take him on 1-on-1, he was waaaaay OP in the comics.


Scary Bat
you should not allow cosmic beings like spectre here. also i suggest despero to the thread
Fair enough... so maybe no godlike tier, but what about people like Anti-Monitor etc?

Also Despero is pretty powerful, but what version of him? From the comics?


Barry Allen Flash. It's literally impossible to write him. He can travel through time and rewrite reality. Try and start a fight with him and he'll go back in time and make sure you were born blind.

Barring that, the dude runs at the speed of whatever. You can't catch him or touch him. He can probably throw a punch with more force than anyone else. He could probably throw a dozen of them in like 2 seconds.

His brain operates at the speed of light too. 2 seconds to an ordinary person is like 5 hours for him. If you were to try and shoot him from behind, the very microsecond that he hears you touch your gun, he'll run to the library, figure out how to solve world hunger, come back and erase you from existence, in like 2 seconds. He also heals faster than the ordinary person. You know, assuming he actually gets hurt.

Of course, DC comics always has him sand bagging.


can extreme heat give cramps to flash? or is he not affected by the speed force? i think i read somewhere that's how heatwave gets to fight with him


Is this even a contest? It's Superman Prime. The character literally altered realities by punching air.

If he is not included, I'd say the Golden Age Superman. This is by far one of the funniest stories i've read about the character(and this is a true story, hard to find though). He was so damn powerful that one day he was having lunch with Lois Lane. For every single blink she had, he was able to fly to another galaxy, save some planet on it and be back in front of Lane before she reopened her eyelids.


Imperiex wields near omnipotent power derived from the big bang and has been described as an energy being requiring a material shell. It has shown the ability to project immensely powerful energy blasts and exert its will through a near infinite supply of “probes” which are capable of annihilating entire planets


Skarlet who ?
LOL. Imperiex, Superman Prime, Flash (WTF is he doing here) are nowhere near as powerful as Over-Monitor, who I think is the true omnipotent being of DC, and not the Presence. Then I would give it to Great Evil Beast. Thought Robot was pretty powerful too.


Salt Proprietor of TYM
Barry Allen Flash. It's literally impossible to write him. He can travel through time and rewrite reality. Try and start a fight with him and he'll go back in time and make sure you were born blind.

Barring that, the dude runs at the speed of whatever. You can't catch him or touch him. He can probably throw a punch with more force than anyone else. He could probably throw a dozen of them in like 2 seconds.

His brain operates at the speed of light too. 2 seconds to an ordinary person is like 5 hours for him. If you were to try and shoot him from behind, the very microsecond that he hears you touch your gun, he'll run to the library, figure out how to solve world hunger, come back and erase you from existence, in like 2 seconds. He also heals faster than the ordinary person. You know, assuming he actually gets hurt.

Of course, DC comics always has him sand bagging.


Scary Bat
Lucifer or Matter Eater Lad.
We all know Matter Eater Lad would lose to Chlorophyll Kid or Color Kid (looking back, that second one sounds kinda racist...)

Okay, so far let's weigh in on some stuff. Yes, Flash is powerful and has some wicked mad time-travel skills, but he doesn't exactly have the willingness to kill (or blind/main what have you), now while that technically doesn't say much about power it does mean he's not going to go as far as some other would to win. Maybe Zoom would be a better choice.

Golden Age Superman is redonkulously OP, mainly because of all the Superman incarnations they literally made up whatever they hell they felt like about his Powers. However he still has the obvious Superman Weaknesses.

Superman/Superboy Prime was crazy powerful too, and that punching the walls of reality so hard crap changed schtick was stupid as hell, but hey, this is DC continuity we're talking about here.

Not sure what Over-Monitor is, I only know Anti-Monitor or whatever it was. Imperiex seems powerful but I don't know jack about him.

Lucifer depends on what incarnation of him. He appeared a few times in the Golden Age stuff and was pretty terrible.

Most importantly, I'm glad no one said Batman, because I would hate you forever.


Really likes to throw things at you.
Wow... no mention of Doomsday anywhere... am I missing somthing? You literally cannot kill him.... He is the lame out master of the universe....


Lucifer depends on what incarnation of him. He appeared a few times in the Golden Age stuff and was pretty terrible.
I'm going with the Vertigo/DC 90's-00's version of him. The one that becomes God and leaves existence in entirety.

Wow... no mention of Doomsday anywhere... am I missing somthing? You literally cannot kill him.... He is the lame out master of the universe....
Basic reality warpers could just send him off to another dimension or something and then he's done.


I'm going to go with Superboy Prime (before he got nerfed).
I think that Sentry from Marvel comics is a pretty mistreated character, because the writer Brian Michael Bendis totally went the wrong way with the character, but when it comes to Superboy-Prime?
Fuck, Superboy-Prime has it even worse.

The writing behind Superboy-Prime was always plain fucking ridiculous and especially in his last appearance pre new 52.
He appeared in the regular DC universe (again) and after deciding to kill Superboy (for a stupid ass reason) he gathered a bunch of Superboy-clones / robots / what ever and attacked the Teen Titans, JUST TO GET THE CRAP BEAT OUT OF HIM by ... Wonder Girl.
My fucking god, one of the more powerful brawlers in the DC comics who took on the entire DC Earth universe gets defeated by Wonder Girl. That downgrade was unexplained, badly written and stupid as ****.
I don't even understand why these people get money for writing utter, trashy shit like that.

But on topic ...
The most powerful character in the DC universe, who run around, so they can have 1 vs 1's and so on would be the few top guys like ... uhm ...

- The Presence and the Great Evil Beast (basically God of DC comics and his evil counterpart, but it's not the devil),
- Lucifer Morningstar / Michael Demiurgos (pretty much equal, but Lucifer has better feats)

Then you have others. I think Superman-Prime could actually really be the next in line.
Anti-Monitor is supposed to be up there as well, but there is someone called the Over-Monitor who is supposed to be more powerful, yet he never really did something, or even appeart so ...


Plus on block.
Gotta go with Barry and the Speed-Force.

Barry Allen Flash. It's literally impossible to write him. He can travel through time and rewrite reality. Try and start a fight with him and he'll go back in time and make sure you were born blind.
Barring that, the dude runs at the speed of whatever. You can't catch him or touch him. He can probably throw a punch with more force than anyone else. He could probably throw a dozen of them in like 2 seconds.

His brain operates at the speed of light too. 2 seconds to an ordinary person is like 5 hours for him. If you were to try and shoot him from behind, the very microsecond that he hears you touch your gun, he'll run to the library, figure out how to solve world hunger, come back and erase you from existence, in like 2 seconds. He also heals faster than the ordinary person. You know, assuming he actually gets hurt.

Of course, DC comics always has him sand bagging.


Okay, so far let's weigh in on some stuff. Yes, Flash is powerful and has some wicked mad time-travel skills, but he doesn't exactly have the willingness to kill (or blind/main what have you), now while that technically doesn't say much about power it does mean he's not going to go as far as some other would to win.

This is a 1 v 1, and the flash is still human, he'll do what it takes if he needs to, though it might not be his first choice.

And another thing is SBP cant hit the Flash, but the Flash can hit SBP and he can hit him hard enough to hurt him, thats pretty much all you need to know in this fight.


Scary Bat
And another thing is SBP cant hit the Flash, but the Flash can hit SBP and he can hit him hard enough to hurt him, thats pretty much all you need to know in this fight.
I'm not sure this is correct, I mean Superman seems to be able to match Flash for speed in a lot of comics, but Flash is still a bit (a lot?) faster. But I still think Superman, and therefore Superboy Prime, could land a hit on him. Plus the flight thing is a huge advantage as Flash is quite grounded, not totally, but still Superboy Prime has distance/ranged on him.

To other responses in the topic, yeah Lucifer is pretty OP but he's Vertigo, not DC, don't know if the Vertigo version has appeared in DC Comics yet. There is a Lucifer incarnation in Demon Knights but he's seems different/not as powerful.

Also I don't know her limits, but can Zatanna theoretically do anything she says backwards? Obviously she's not the most powerful, but I guess she could give some of the Superman/kryptonian types a good fight.

I think maybe we should sort of limit it to more mortal beings maybe? Like Lucifer/God/The Spectre/The Voice... maybe Superman Prime as that shit is just redonkulous.


If you want to limit it down to mortal beings, then the answer is always Zoom.
Wally West is basically the most powerful Flash, because he is the fastest and has some great feats (even though Barry Allen has more tricks up his sleeve), but Zoom was so fast that he made Flash look like a fool.
If you take that speed into consideration, which is higher than anything Superman could come up with and combine it with the impact it provides and so on, then Zoom would be able to defeat everyone, while they would be statues for eternity for him.
You also can't say that someone like Martian Manhunter could turn intangible, or mindrape him, because he wouldn't have the time to do that.

Zoom doesn't need time to get from point A to point B or to do something. He is above time and that makes him the most powerful mortal character on DC Earth, since he can even easily outspeed the fastest Flash (Wally).
After Zoom it would between Barry Allen and Wally West. Potential-wise it's Wally West, strange feats-wise it's Barry Allen.