See but the difference between me and
blueNINE is that he does it for more than just fun. We get that the game is broken and all this business, but I go to these locals and majors to support the scene and to meet new people. Honestly if I felt you guys were douchebags I wouldn't go to any of these locals, nor would I promote these tournaments on TYM. MK is probably the most fun I've had in quite a while playing video games. And as intense the competition can be and as upset I get when I lose, I take it all as a learning experience and try to improve my gameplay each time out. Alex wants to quit and that's fine, but if you don't like the game and think it's broke, why would you even play it in the first place? I've told Alex before that he's obviously more than welcomed to join in on any of our casual get-togethers, but if you want to be done playing the game then so be it.
I feel similarly. I think the community and competition are both really fun, and I definitely understand that one should learn from their experiences, especially when losing. That's really important.
I still intend to hang out with the MK community, as I think it's great, and I have met some really cool people from it. I just don't intend to play MK competitively at this point. Maybe I will show some support for the MK scene by commentating or something. Would also be open to helping people with some match-up knowledge, or by watching their matches and giving tips, if they request these things of me.
And to clarify a bit, it's not just that MK is "broken". The input bug and numerous glitches are really off-putting as well. I feel like one can simply choose to acknowledge and deal with all of these things, or it can get to the point where they don't want to. Those things definitely get in the way on a competitive level. Between that, and the reasons I discussed before, I just don't feel up to dealing with it anymore, personally. If it were the only game that I played competitively, maybe it'd be worth overlooking, but as I suggested before, I love Street Fighter and Guilty Gear, and have interest in some other fighters, and have just decided it'd be better for me to drop MK (which has gotten more frustrating than it's worth to me) and focus on other games. I'm not saying that everyone should drop MK, and I still respect and understand those who still play it!
As for why I would play the game in the first place...I tried the game out from when it was released (before we knew how it'd evolve), and moreover, I have loved this series for around two decades, think the community is great, and I do think MK9 is fun, despite its problems. (Also didn't hurt that, at times, I have done well in tournaments, and that there is a certain satisfaction to hitting people with a 6 frame spinning launcher...hehe.)
Anyhow...I will see you guys around in general, and at UGS on Saturday!
yeah, I am the same way. I dont really care about winning or losing. I dont take this shit seriously at all. However, I do get that not everyone thinks like I do, and so I can understand his point of view as well.
My life is pretty awesome right now. I use MK to supplement this awesomeness. If I were to genuinely get annoyed with winning/losing/drama/community, then I would not even bother with it. But, like you, I enjoy our little community and will continue to support it. I'm really excited for injustice as I think it will be the game that makes NRS a serious brand moving forward into MK10. Good things to come guys. . . And when MK10 comes out, I will own 2 homes =) So expect many gatherings at my place.
Chin up
blueNINE. And you never sent me some bands to check out. . . jerk =)
I look forward to the day MK10 comes out. I hope it'll be really good.
I'm sorry that I never sent band recommendations to you! What bands was I going to base them off of (other than Deftones)? I can't remember. >_<